[Abstract]:A feasible way of levying property tax is not only to ensure the absorbing power of tax, but also to give consideration to the distorting effect of taxation on the distribution of household income. Based on the (CHFS) data of 8848 households in China Household Finance Survey, this paper empirically calculates the total tax income under different real estate taxes and the Gini coefficient of household income distribution before and after taxation. By comparing the Gini coefficient of the total tax and income, we know that compared with the single proportional tax rate on the stock of housing, the differential progressive tax rate according to the housing holdings can be applied without widening the income gap of the household. To ensure maximum tax revenue. In addition, the amount of tax revenue measured is comparable to other taxes levied in the existing real estate sector.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学经济与管理研究院;
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