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发布时间:2019-01-11 14:13
【摘要】:自从我国改革开放以来房地产行业一直处在高速的发展过程中,我国城市住房制度的改革,国民经济以及人口的增长,,农村人口大量的融入城市,这些都大力的推动和促进了房地产的飞速发展。他的飞速发展又促进了国民经济的快速发展。但是由于房产项目具有投资大,使用及建设周期长的特点。因此房产的质量好坏很大程度上也影响了人民的生活,也困扰着房地产企业的良性发展。由于房地产行业随着社会的发展飞速壮大,其各种质量问题和发展瓶颈也越来越明显,为社会广大人民群众所诟病。重视房地产的质量不仅有利于房地产企业树立自己的良好口碑和品牌优势,同时也有利于社会的稳定和人民生活水平的提高。研究房地产项目的质量管理问题,并提出相应的改进措施对于促进房地产业的健康和稳定发展有着非常重要的实际意义。 一个房地产项目的质量好坏与房地产商有着非常密切的联系,因此想提高房地产开发的产品质量,必须找出开发建设过程中存在的问题,提升和加强房地产项目的质量管理意识,促进房地产业的健康和稳定发展。引导房地产商建设出质量过硬、品质可靠地地产项目,用以刺激消费者的购买欲望及消费决策,建立客户忠诚度,用以提高市场竞争力。 本研究结合泰达建设集团所开发的格调春天项目,对该项目质量问题展开研究,找到这个住宅小区的典型质量问题,通过对于该问题产生原因的分析,提出针对性的改善方法,以供其他房地产项目参考。
[Abstract]:Since China's reform and opening up, the real estate industry has been in the process of rapid development, the reform of the urban housing system, the growth of the national economy and the population, the large number of rural people into the city, These all vigorously promote and promote the rapid development of real estate. His rapid development promoted the rapid development of the national economy. But because the real estate project has the investment big, the use and the construction cycle long characteristic. Therefore, the quality of real estate also affects the people's life to a great extent, and also puzzles the benign development of real estate enterprises. As the real estate industry grows rapidly with the development of the society, its various quality problems and development bottlenecks are becoming more and more obvious, which is criticized by the broad masses of the society. Attaching importance to the quality of real estate is not only conducive to the establishment of their own good reputation and brand advantages, but also conducive to social stability and the improvement of people's living standards. It is of great practical significance to study the quality management of real estate projects and put forward corresponding improvement measures to promote the healthy and stable development of real estate industry. The quality of a real estate project is closely related to that of a real estate developer, so in order to improve the product quality of real estate development, we must find out the problems existing in the process of development and construction. Enhance and strengthen the awareness of quality management of real estate projects, promote the healthy and stable development of real estate industry. Guide real estate developers to build quality and reliable real estate projects in order to stimulate consumers' purchase desire and consumption decision, establish customer loyalty, and improve market competitiveness. This research combines with the style spring project developed by Teda Construction Group, studies the quality problem of the project, finds out the typical quality problem of the residential district, and puts forward the corresponding improvement methods through the analysis of the causes of the problem. For the reference of other real estate projects.


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