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发布时间:2019-01-12 14:35
[Abstract]:The State Council's views on deepening the reform of the income distribution system clearly put forward the following: "perfect the tax collection system for real estate tenure, transactions, and other links, and gradually expand the scope of the pilot reform of the personal housing property tax reform," Refined housing transactions differential tax policy, strengthen the stock of housing transactions tax collection. " It clearly releases the policy goal and determination of the government to regulate the real estate market and reform the real estate tax, which indicates that the reform of the real estate tax in our country has entered a new stage. In view of the problems existing in the current real estate tax system, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the reform of setting up tax elements scientifically. First, the existing problems in the real estate tax system (1) the principle of tax fairness has not been implemented. The scope of the current property tax is limited to the operating houses in cities and towns. This
【作者单位】: 天津商业大学法学院;


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