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发布时间:2019-01-15 21:50
【摘要】:改革开放以来,,随着住房制度改革的深入推进,我国逐步建立了与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的新的住房制度,市场配置住房资源的基础性作用明显增强,城乡居民的居住条件发生巨大的变化,居住环境日益改善,生活质量也不断提高。但是,市场这只看不见的手发挥作用的同时,政府这只看得见的手的作用却发挥不够充分,解决住房问题过度依赖市场机制。市场失灵导致不少地方出现住房价格居高不下、群众买不起房、房地产秩序不规范等问题。伴随着2008年全球经济危机的对我国的影响逐渐趋于平缓,房地产市场却又掀起一场价格风波,我国的住房矛盾随之相伴而来。近几年来,随着经济的快速发展出现的种种不和谐的社会现象,政府越来越意识到经济快速发展与社会和谐关系的重要性,2004年中国共产党第一次明确提出要提高构建社会主义和谐社会的能力。各城市政府充分认识到建立保障性住房体系、加快解决中低收入居民住房问题的重要性和紧迫感。努力解决低收入人群的住房困难,取得了重要的进展,但是受到市场经济作用的影响,保障性住房多被安置在城市外围地区。城市低收入阶层由于种种社会、政治、经济原因被人为地从城市主流社会中迁移出去,从而加快了城市居住空间的分异现象。 在这一背景下,本文以兰州市主城区保障性住房为研究对象,通过具体的实证分析,从居住空间的社会与物质属性两个角度,分析当前兰州市保障性住房人群的特征以及空间需求特征,为深入认识和解决城市保障性住房居住问题,提出空间发展策略,以及为城市规划建设提供相应的理论和实证研究基础。希望藉此引导城市保障性住房空间规划建设,以缓解住房矛盾。 本文共分为六个章节: 第一章论述了本课题的研究背景、研究意义、相关概念以及论文的研究框架等。 第二章是论文研究的理论基础,总结了国内外对于保障性住房的相关研究以及居住空间的研究进展,最后对国内保障性住房的政策进行梳理。 第三章到第五章为兰州市保障性住房居住空间的实证研究。第三章首先总结了兰州市保障性住房发展现状,分析了现阶段兰州市保障性住房居住空间特征,再进一步从宏观以及微观层面总结了保障性住房居住空间的物质属性。 第四章从政府干预和社会发展机制出发探讨了兰州市保障性住房空间的发展机制,并通过横向比较北京市保障性住房的发展,针对兰州提出了目前保障性住房居住空间面临的问题。 第五章针对上述提出的问题,借鉴国内外公共住房建设政策与空间布局模式,结合兰州市的情况,提出保障性住房居住空间管理策略与空间规划对策,以期引导兰州市保障性居住空间向科学合理的方向发展。 最后一章对兰州市保障性住房居住空间的后续研究做出展望。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the deepening of the housing system reform, China has gradually established a new housing system adapted to the socialist market economic system, and the basic role of housing resources allocation in the market has obviously increased. Great changes have taken place in the living conditions of urban and rural residents, the living environment has been improved day by day, and the quality of life has been improved. But while the invisible hand of the market is at the same time, the role of the visible hand of the government is not enough to solve the housing problem by relying too much on the market mechanism. Market failure has led to high housing prices, people can not afford housing, real estate order and other problems. With the global economic crisis in 2008 the impact of our country has gradually leveled off, but the real estate market has set off a price storm, the housing contradictions in our country come with it. In recent years, with the rapid economic development of various discordant social phenomena, the government is increasingly aware of the importance of rapid economic development and social harmony, In 2004, the Communist Party of China proposed for the first time to improve the ability of building a harmonious socialist society. City governments fully recognize the importance and urgency of establishing a affordable housing system and speeding up the settlement of housing problems for low- and middle-income residents. Important progress has been made in trying to solve the housing difficulties of low-income groups. However, affected by the role of market economy, affordable housing is mostly placed in the periphery of the city. Due to various social, political and economic reasons, urban low-income class has been artificially transferred from the mainstream of urban society, thus accelerating the phenomenon of urban residential space differentiation. Under this background, this article takes the main urban area of Lanzhou as the research object, through the concrete demonstration analysis, from two angles of the social and the material attribute of the living space, This paper analyzes the characteristics of the population of affordable housing and the characteristics of spatial demand in Lanzhou City, and puts forward the spatial development strategy in order to deeply understand and solve the housing problem of urban affordable housing. And to provide the corresponding theoretical and empirical research basis for urban planning and construction. Hope to guide the urban housing space planning and construction to ease housing contradictions. This paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter discusses the research background, research significance, related concepts and research framework. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of the thesis, summarizes the domestic and foreign research on affordable housing and the research progress of living space, and finally combs the domestic policy of affordable housing. Chapter 3 to chapter 5 is the empirical study on the living space of the indemnificatory housing in Lanzhou. The third chapter summarizes the current situation of the development of affordable housing in Lanzhou, analyzes the characteristics of the residential space of affordable housing in Lanzhou at this stage, and further summarizes the material properties of the residential space of affordable housing from the macro and micro levels. The fourth chapter discusses the development mechanism of affordable housing space in Lanzhou from the perspective of government intervention and social development mechanism, and compares the development of affordable housing in Beijing City horizontally. In view of Lanzhou put forward the current affordable housing living space facing problems. The fifth chapter aims at the above questions, draws lessons from the domestic and foreign public housing construction policy and the spatial layout pattern, unifies the Lanzhou city situation, proposes the indemnificatory housing living space management strategy and the spatial plan countermeasure, With a view to guiding the Lanzhou City affordable living space to a scientific and reasonable direction. The last chapter looks forward to the follow-up study of the housing space in Lanzhou.


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1 台玉红;;城市化对住宅价格的影响分析[J];城市问题;2008年10期




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