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发布时间:2019-01-16 07:34
[Abstract]:Organization researchers and practitioners generally believe that the work needs to rely on rationality to improve efficiency, so the study of emotion in the organization has not been paid attention to. However, emotional and emotional management problems are always the core problems hidden in management practice and development. In the organization, the emotional performance of the leadership will affect the work attitude and behavior of the subordinates, thus affecting the survival and development of the enterprise. In order to be effective, the leader should choose the appropriate emotional expression style and create the transformational leadership style to increase the employee's identity to the organization, thus to stimulate the employee's positive work behavior. The action mechanism of leading emotional labor on employee's work attitude and behavior is an active topic to be discussed in theory and practice in the future. Firstly, this paper summarizes the related theories of leadership emotional labor, transformational leadership style and organizational identity, and analyzes the correlation of variables based on social exchange theory, emotional event theory and implicit leadership theory. In view of the cultural background of China, this paper probes into the influence of emotional labor of leadership on the organizational identity of employees, the intermediary role of transformational leadership in the relationship between the two, and the moderating role of the exchange of leadership members on the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational identity. Put forward the theoretical model and research hypothesis; A total of 120 middle-and senior executives from banks, real estate and technology consulting firms and their employees were studied. Through field investigation, data collection, hypothesis verification and research results, the conclusion of this study is summarized, the limitations of the study are pointed out, and suggestions for future research are put forward. The results show that: superficial behavior is negatively related to organizational identity, deep behavior is positively related to organizational identity, and real emotional performance is positively related to organizational identity; Superficial behavior is negatively correlated with transformational leadership, deep behavior is positively correlated with transformational leadership, real emotional performance is positively correlated with transformational leadership, transformational leadership plays a part of intermediary role between leadership emotional labor and employee organizational identity. The leadership exchange relationship plays a regulatory role in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational identity. This paper probes into the relationship between leadership emotional labor, transformational leadership style and organizational identity, which will further enrich the research on leadership emotional labor. At the same time, the results of the study will provide guidance for the management practice of Chinese enterprises, especially the choice of appropriate emotional expression style and leadership style for the leaders, and further increase the employees' identity to the organization, and then enhance the management efficiency.


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