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发布时间:2019-01-29 18:57
【摘要】:F公司是经绵阳市人民政府批准成立于2004年9月,以绵阳市财政局为出资人,在工商局依法注册登记的国有独资有限责任公司。公司业务领域涉及包括房屋租赁、物业管理、房地产开发、交通、基础设施项目投资等。笔者作为F公司项目开发员工,全程参与灾后重建办公用房(BGYF)项目,主要承担灾后重建办公用房项目管理信息系统开发研究,包括系统的规划、分析、设计工作。本文欲以F公司在灾后重建中的BGYF项目管理信息系统的合同管理子系统为切入点,做一个适用于政策类项目合同管理的系统模板;一方面帮助F公司搞好项目管理信息化建设工作,另一方面降低F公司开发成本,将利益最大化。 前期,笔者调研和分析了国内外项目管理信息系统的研究现状,并比较研究了相关技术;然后从F公司现有办公用房项目管理模式入手,找出目前存在和尚需解决的办公用房项目管理难题;结合软件工程和项目管理技术,重点对系统中的合同管理信息系统进行开发设计。 在系统研发过程中,笔者首先结合我国项目管理信息化发展方向,描述系统的研究目的和意义,接着重点介绍合同管理子系统开发的关键技术,同时对于总部、分子公司、项目部三级合同订立、变更、结算等业务功能实现的可行性进行了分析。系统采用B/S开发方案,采用.NET技术和SQL Server2008数据库,,ASP.NET为基于WEB应用实现动态交互网页制作提供的技术环境支持,实现网站的开发。拟定开发技术架构采用.NET开发路线,同时结合目前较为流行的AJAX技术以及XML来进行开发。并在系统通过功能和性能测试后,投入F公司办公用房项目建设使用。 本文系统地介绍了合同管理子系统开发过程,重点介绍了系统规划、系统分析和系统设计过程,在结尾部分对论文进行了总结,并指出系统后续研究开发的重点内容。 本文设计的项目管理信息系统对于F公司进行灾后重建办公用房重建项目具有重要意义。不仅保证重建项目科学、合理、有序的进行,同时为F公司后续承接政策项目打下基础。
[Abstract]:Company F was established in September 2004 with the approval of Mianyang Municipal people's Government. It is a wholly state-owned limited liability company registered in accordance with the law with Mianyang Municipal Bureau of Finance as the investor and registered in accordance with the Law of Commerce and Industry. Business areas include housing leasing, property management, real estate development, transportation, infrastructure investment and so on. As the project development staff of company F, the author participates in the (BGYF) project of post-disaster reconstruction office house, and mainly undertakes the research and development of the project management information system, including system planning, analysis and design. This paper takes the contract management subsystem of BGYF project management information system in the post-disaster reconstruction of F Company as the starting point to make a system template suitable for policy project contract management. On the one hand, it helps F Company to do well the information construction of project management, on the other hand, it reduces the development cost of F Company and maximizes the benefits. In the early stage, the author investigated and analyzed the current situation of project management information system at home and abroad, and compared the relevant technologies; Then from the F company existing office housing project management mode to find out the existing and still need to solve the difficult problems of office housing project management; Combined with software engineering and project management technology, the contract management information system in the system is developed and designed. In the process of system research and development, the author first describes the research purpose and significance of the system combined with the development direction of our country's project management information, and then focuses on the key technology of the development of the contract management subsystem, at the same time, for the headquarters, sub-subsidiaries, Project department three-level contract formation, change, settlement and other business functions to achieve the feasibility of analysis. The system adopts the B / S development scheme, the. Net technology and SQL Server2008 database, ASP.NET provides the technical environment support for the dynamic interactive web page making based on the WEB application, realizes the website development. The development technology architecture adopts. Net development route, combined with the popular AJAX technology and XML to develop at the same time. And after the system passed the function and performance test, put into F company office housing project construction and use. This paper systematically introduces the development process of contract management subsystem, focusing on the system planning, system analysis and system design process. At the end of the paper, the paper is summarized, and the key content of the following research and development of the system is pointed out. The project management information system designed in this paper is of great significance for F Company to rebuild office buildings after disaster. It not only ensures the scientific, reasonable and orderly implementation of the reconstruction project, but also lays the foundation for F Company to undertake the policy project.


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