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发布时间:2019-02-09 20:51
【摘要】:作为不动产的房地产,其区位性很强。无论是城市政府进行城市规划、投资者投资房地产还是消费者购买房地产,第一要考虑的就是地段,即区位。若房地产项目选址不合理,将造成巨大的投资浪费,同时不利于城市可持续发展。因此,房地产开发项目的选址问题是影响城市以及房地产业可持续发展的重要问题,是考虑城市良性发展、开发商盈利和住户满意的多方因素的综合问题。然而,目前开发商在进行项目选址时,主观性较强,大都依靠直觉、经验和初步调查来决定开发项目的场址,这不利于房地产投资的科学性决策工作的展开。 本文试图从影响房地产项目区位选择的各种因素入手,对开发项目选址问题做科学分析。考虑到不同类型的房地产开发项目(住宅房地产、商业房地产等)在选址过程中考虑的因素有所不同,因此,首先分门别类的分析影响房地产投资区位的因素,然后,,借鉴成熟的选址理论和模型(空港选址、物流中心选址和枢纽选址等),分别建立基于城市发展、开发商盈利和用户居住满意度的住宅房地产项目选址模型和商业房地产项目选址模型。在住宅选址模型中,基于城市土地利用规划,考虑交通便捷度、人口聚集度和房价地租差异比三个指标,并用综合评价法进行最优位置的选取;在商业房地产选址模型中,基于城市土地利用规划,考虑商圈辐射度、交通便捷度和租金地租差异比三个指标,并用综合评价法进行位置优选。最后,以大连市为例进行案例分析。在了解大连市房地产业发展的基础上,针对住宅房地产和商业房地产,分别提出两个情景进行项目选址。 本文提出的考虑多方利益(城市发展、开发商盈利和用户满意度)的房地产开发项目选址模型具有一定的实用性,运用该模型可快速有效地做出拟建地址是否合理、最优的判断,减少房地产开发项目决策的盲目性,为房地产住宅项目以及商业项目开发提供科学的选址决策依据,引导房地产业健康发展,从而促进城市可持续发展并实现城市的人居目的。
[Abstract]:As real estate, its location is very strong. No matter the city government carries on the city planning, the investor invests the real estate or the consumer buys the real estate, the first consideration is the location, namely the location. If the location of real estate project is not reasonable, it will cause huge investment waste and is not conducive to the sustainable development of the city. Therefore, the location of real estate development project is an important problem that affects the sustainable development of city and real estate industry. It is a comprehensive problem considering the benign development of the city, the profit of the developer and the satisfaction of the residents. However, at present, the developers have strong subjectivity in the project site selection, mostly rely on intuition, experience and preliminary investigation to determine the site of the development project, which is not conducive to the development of scientific decision-making work of real estate investment. This paper attempts to make a scientific analysis of the location selection of development projects from various factors affecting the location selection of real estate projects. Considering that different types of real estate development projects (residential real estate, commercial real estate, etc.) consider different factors in the process of location selection, the factors that affect the location of real estate investment are analyzed first, and then, Based on the mature location theory and model (airport location, logistics center location, hub location, etc.), The residential real estate project location model and the commercial real estate project location model. In the residential site selection model, based on the urban land use planning, considering the traffic convenience, population concentration and the difference ratio of house price and land rent, the optimal location is selected by comprehensive evaluation method. In the commercial real estate location model, based on the urban land use planning, considering the radiance of commercial area, traffic convenience and rent difference ratio, the location is selected by comprehensive evaluation method. Finally, take Dalian as an example to carry on the case analysis. On the basis of understanding the development of real estate industry in Dalian, this paper puts forward two scenarios to select the project location for residential real estate and commercial real estate respectively. The model of real estate development project location based on multi-benefits (urban development, developer profit and user satisfaction) proposed in this paper has some practicability, and the model can be used to determine whether the proposed address is reasonable or not. The best judgment can reduce the blindness of the real estate development project decision, provide the scientific decision basis for the real estate housing project and commercial project development, and guide the real estate industry to develop healthily. So as to promote the sustainable development of the city and achieve the purpose of urban human settlements.


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