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发布时间:2019-02-15 23:17
【摘要】:工作满意度是人力资源管理的重要课题之一。随着我国经济的不断发展和社会物质生活水平的不断提高,越来越多人认为,工作满意度应该与企业的利润共同成为企业追求的目标。工作满意度是企业改善绩效的一种手段,通过提高员工工作满意度会实现企业的可持续发展。在短期内忽视员工工作满意度并不会影响企业绩效,但从长远来时必将影响企业稳定发展。众多优秀企业的管理实践已经证明了如上观点。 在我国经济结构转型的大背景下,民营房地产企业面临着更加严峻的挑战,粗放的经营管理模式已不适应房地产企业的发展,员工的工作满意度管理将在很大程度上决定了企业的人才优势和竞争优势。本文采用了以问卷调查为主,观察为辅的方法,以W民营房地产企业共159名员工为样本,对行业中员工工作满意度及其影响因素进行了数据分析。通过研究得出房地产行业员工满意度一般,并据此提出了从以下方面改进房地产企业员工满意度的建议:加强管理制度建设,完善企业管理制度,关注管理制度的适用性和人性化程度;建立公平公正的薪酬福利制度,内外部公平相结合,让员工得到公正的物质保障;改善企业领导行为,加强员工之间的沟通交流,消除不良领导行为造成的影响;加强员工培训和职业发展,每位员工制定完整的职业生涯规划,在此基础上提供充分的学习与成长机会,最终改善员工的工作满意度。
[Abstract]:Job satisfaction is one of the most important subjects in human resource management. With the continuous development of economy and the improvement of social material living standard, more and more people think that job satisfaction should be the goal that enterprises pursue together with the profits of enterprises. Job satisfaction is a means to improve the performance of enterprises. Neglecting the employee's job satisfaction in the short term will not affect the performance of the enterprise, but will certainly affect the stable development of the enterprise in the long run. The management practice of many excellent enterprises has already proved the above viewpoint. Under the background of economic structure transformation, private real estate enterprises are facing more severe challenges. The extensive management mode is not suitable for the development of real estate enterprises. The employee's job satisfaction management will determine the talent advantage and competitive advantage to a great extent. This paper adopts the method of questionnaire survey and observation, taking 159 employees of W private real estate enterprise as a sample to analyze the employee's job satisfaction and its influencing factors in the industry. Through the research, the author draws the conclusion that the employee satisfaction degree of the real estate industry is general, and puts forward the following suggestions to improve the employee satisfaction degree of the real estate enterprise: strengthen the construction of the management system, perfect the enterprise management system, Pay attention to the applicability and humanization of the management system; Establishing a fair and just compensation and welfare system, combining internal and external fairness, so that employees can get fair material protection; Improve corporate leadership behavior, strengthen communication between employees, eliminate the impact of bad leadership behavior; Strengthen staff training and career development, each employee makes a complete career planning, on the basis of this to provide adequate learning and growth opportunities, and ultimately improve employee job satisfaction.


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