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发布时间:2019-02-15 17:04
[Abstract]:At present, the national economy is facing a new normal, and the real estate industry is also facing profound changes. The financial crisis of the real estate industry with the characteristics of large capital investment, long investment cycle and high debt ratio is worthy of attention. In this paper, based on factor analysis, the logistic model of financial crisis early warning of listed housing enterprises is constructed based on factor analysis, which is based on the sample of A share listed housing enterprises from 2010 to 2014, combined with the characteristics of the industry and the introduction of non-financial indicators. The purpose of this paper is to find out the indexes that play a significant role in the financial crisis warning of listed housing enterprises and to verify the accuracy of the model prediction. It is found that the logistic model with non-financial indicators can better predict the financial crisis of listed housing enterprises. The early warning effect of corporate governance factors is stronger, and the financial indicators with the approaching time of financial crisis, the stronger the early warning of corporate financial distress.
【作者单位】: 安徽财经大学;


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