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发布时间:2019-02-16 06:41
【摘要】:对企业而言,不论是创业阶段还是发展阶段,一个重要的问题就是选址,因为这将关系到企业的长期运营;而且,现如今,房地产事业如火如荼,房产的价位依然在攀升,房产价值、购置成本等都使得企业必须要重视这个问题。另外,随着竞争的加剧,企业需要生产多种产品以增加自身实力;再者,人们环保意识逐渐加强,企业为了自己的形象和利益,同时需要关注碳减排问题。本文分析碳排放交易机制框架下的多产品的企业选址问题。 首先,本文对互补需求函数和碳排放权交易机制进行了描述。互补需求函数是对一般给定需求函数的合理改进;碳排放权交易机制是《京都议定书》中规定的一个减排机制。随后,本文基于互补需求函数和碳排放权交易机制建立了一个关于生产两种产品的企业选址模型。因为互补需求函数是由互补问题定义的,所以在选址模型的约束中会存在均衡约束。鉴于模型本身的性质,利用大M-系数法,我们可以将其等价转化成0-1混合整数二次规划模型。经验证,这个二次规划模型是非凸的,0-1混合整数二次非凸规划是一个应用广泛的规划,有很多文章研究这个问题。本文模型中的非凸主要体现在目标函数的双线性函数处,基于对双线性函数的线性化思想和分支-定界思想,本文给出一个Branch-and-Refine算法,不仅对整数变量进行分支,还要对连续变量也要进行分支,以使近似问题足够接近原问题。
[Abstract]:For enterprises, whether it is the stage of entrepreneurship or development, an important issue is location, because it will affect the long-term operation of the enterprise; Moreover, nowadays, the real estate enterprise is in full swing, the real estate price is still rising, the real estate value, the purchase cost and so on all make the enterprise must pay attention to this question. In addition, with the intensification of competition, enterprises need to produce a variety of products to increase their own strength; moreover, people gradually strengthen their awareness of environmental protection, enterprises in order to their own image and interests, at the same time need to pay attention to the issue of carbon emission reduction. This paper analyzes the location problem of multi-product enterprises under the framework of carbon emissions trading mechanism. Firstly, this paper describes the complementary demand function and carbon emission trading mechanism. The complementary demand function is a reasonable improvement on the general given demand function, and the carbon emission trading mechanism is a emission reduction mechanism stipulated in the Kyoto Protocol. Then, based on the complementary demand function and the carbon emission trading mechanism, a model of enterprise location for producing two kinds of products is established. Because the complementary demand function is defined by the complementarity problem, there are equilibrium constraints in the constraints of the location model. In view of the properties of the model, we can transform it into a 0-1 mixed integer quadratic programming model by using the large M- coefficient method. It is proved that this quadratic programming model is non-convex, and 0-1 mixed integer quadratic non-convex programming is a widely used programming, which has been studied in many papers. The non-convexity of the model is mainly embodied in the bilinear function of the objective function. Based on the linearization of the bilinear function and the idea of branch-bound, this paper presents a Branch-and-Refine algorithm, which not only branches the integer variable, The continuous variables must also be branched so that the approximation problem is close enough to the original problem.


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