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发布时间:2019-02-16 15:32
【摘要】:改革开放30多年来,伴随着国家经济的快速发展,社会财富总额的大幅增长,中国已经涌现了大量的中产阶级和富裕阶层。目前中国个人总体持有的可投资资产规模达62万亿元,可投资资产1千万元以上的高净值人士数量超过50万人,整个社会对财富管理的需求越来越旺盛;同时由于近年来资本市场的持续低位震荡,房地产市场受调控政策影响交易萎缩,大量的社会财富缺少有效的投资渠道,在CPI居高不下的背景下,实现财富的保值增值就显得尤为重要,而人们对财富管理业务的需求也正日益高涨。此种情况为银行开展财富管理业务提了广阔的市场,各大银行纷纷推出具有自己特色的财富管理品牌和建立财富管理服务体系,加快发展财富管理业务的步伐。客户是财富管理业务发展的基础,为能在财富管理市场上赢得先机,个人客户尤其是高资产净值客户正成为各大银行方面竞相争夺的对象。 本文从我国财富管理业务发展入手,以招商银行济南分行财富管理业务为研究对象,在分析国内外商业银行财富管理业务现状的基础上,运用相关理论,结合自身的工作实践,利用PEST方法和竞争五力模型分别对其财富管理业务环境和行业的竞争环境进行了分析,采用SWOT方法解析该行财富管理业务在同业竞争中的优势与劣势,抓住当前面临的机遇与挑战,提出招商银行济南分行的财富管理业务发展的竞争对策,为其做大做强财富管理业务提供新的思路。通过对招商银行济南分行财富管理业务研究得出的结论具有一定的普遍性,对国内其他商业银行在现阶段发展财富管理业务具有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:After 30 years of reform and opening up, with the rapid development of national economy and the substantial increase of social wealth, a large number of middle class and rich class have emerged in China. At present, the total scale of investable assets held by Chinese individuals amounts to 62 trillion yuan, and the number of high net worth individuals with 10 million yuan or more of investable assets exceeds 500000. The demand for wealth management in the whole society is more and more vigorous. At the same time, due to the sustained low volatility of the capital market in recent years, the real estate market has been affected by the adjustment and control policies, the transactions have shrunk, and a large amount of social wealth lacks effective investment channels. Under the background of high CPI, It is very important to maintain and increase wealth value, and the demand for wealth management is rising day by day. This situation provides a broad market for banks to carry out wealth management business. Each major bank has launched its own wealth management brand and established wealth management service system to speed up the pace of the development of wealth management business. Customer is the foundation of wealth management business development. In order to win the first chance in the wealth management market, individual customers, especially high net asset customers, are becoming the competing objects of each major bank. This paper starts with the development of wealth management business in China, taking the wealth management business of Jinan Branch of China Merchants Bank as the research object, on the basis of analyzing the present situation of wealth management business of commercial banks at home and abroad, applying relevant theories and combining its own work practice. This paper analyzes the wealth management business environment and the competition environment of the industry by using the PEST method and the five competitive force model, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the wealth management business in the same industry competition by using the SWOT method. Taking advantage of the opportunities and challenges faced by China Merchants Bank, this paper puts forward the competitive countermeasures for the development of wealth management business in Jinan Branch of China Merchants Bank, so as to provide a new way of thinking for the development of wealth management business in China Merchants Bank. The conclusion from the research on wealth management business of China Merchants Bank Jinan Branch is universal, and it has certain reference significance for other domestic commercial banks to develop wealth management business at the present stage.


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