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发布时间:2019-02-16 15:34
【摘要】:随着全世界经济的发展和社会文明程度的不断提高,体育健身不断深入人心,成为提高人们生活质量不可或缺的因素;加之2016年,高尔夫运动再次加入到奥运会这个大家庭之中,其受众发生了巨大的改变,它已然不再是高消费人群独有的代名词。随着各省市高尔夫比赛、友谊赛、交流赛及高校课程的普遍开设,高尔夫运动已不再是只有高薪中老年才能从事的运动。高尔夫人群结构的巨大变化影响着整个高尔夫体育产业,所以有效的弄清高尔夫运动参与者的现状,特别是其独特的基本特征和消费情况,非常有利于合理的运营整个高尔夫产业。 本研究以北京市高尔夫运动参与者的基本特征和消费情况为研究对象,以北京市高尔夫练习场的高尔夫运动参与者为调查对象,主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑归纳法和数理统计法等研究方法,对北京市高尔夫运动参与者的基本特征和消费情况进行了深入的调查和探讨,从而对现阶段北京市从事高尔夫运动的参与者有一个更为直观、细致、全面的了解,并得出以下结论: 北京市高尔夫运动参与者以男性为主体,女性比例在不断上升,参与年龄主要集中在30至49岁,且家庭多幸福美满,文化程度高,大多担任企事业单位中高层管理人员、技术人员、中型民营、独资企业业主,家庭收入较高。高尔夫运动总体属于高消费体育项目,主要消费集中在购买球杆、练习场消费、下场消费、请教练和高尔夫旅游上。也有部分参与者在购买会籍和高尔夫房地产上有较大开支。 北京市高尔夫运动参与者打球时间和开球时间相对较为随机,大部分参与者以健身、休闲娱乐为主要目的参与高尔夫运动,且超过7成的高尔夫运动参与者认为参与高尔夫运动值得或非常值得。更多的参与者喜欢选择自己拥有会员卡或价格中档的球场与朋友或工作伙伴、同事下场打球,年平均下场次数超过20场的占75%。 本文通过问卷和访谈的方式收集本论文所调查的各项相关数据,真实的显现了北京市高尔夫运动参与者的基本特征及其消费情况,进而为北京市相关高尔夫产业提供真实有效的信息,从而促使北京市相关高尔夫产业能够合理调整资源的分配方式,按需提供,使其能够更加节约、更为合理、更加高效的运营发展,从而达到社会资源共赢的良好发展模式。
[Abstract]:With the development of the world economy and the continuous improvement of the social civilization, physical fitness has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and become an indispensable factor to improve people's quality of life. In 2016, golf once again joined the Olympic family, its audience has changed dramatically, it is no longer unique to high-spending people synonymous. With the opening of golf competitions, friendlies, exchanges and university courses in various provinces and cities, golf is no longer a sport only for the middle-aged and the elderly with high pay. The huge changes in the structure of the golf crowd affect the whole golf sports industry, so we can effectively understand the current situation of the participants in golf, especially its unique basic characteristics and consumption. Very conducive to the rational operation of the entire golf industry. This study takes the basic characteristics and consumption of the participants in Beijing Golf as the research object, and the participants in the Beijing Golf driving range as the investigation objects, mainly using the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview, etc. Based on the methods of logical induction and mathematical statistics, this paper makes an in-depth investigation and discussion on the basic characteristics and consumption of golfers in Beijing. Thus there is a more intuitive, meticulous and comprehensive understanding of the participants engaged in golf in Beijing at the present stage, and the following conclusions are drawn: the proportion of participants in Beijing golf is mainly male, and the proportion of women is constantly rising. The age of participation is mainly from 30 to 49 years old, and the family is happy and has a high level of education. Most of them serve as senior management personnel, technical personnel, medium-sized private enterprises, proprietorship enterprise owners and high family income. Golf generally belongs to high consumption sports items, which mainly focus on purchasing clubs, driving range consumption, end consumption, please coach and golf tourism. There are also some participants in the purchase of membership and golf real estate has a large expenditure. Beijing Golf participants play time and kick off time is relatively random, most of the participants to fitness, leisure and entertainment as the main purpose of participating in golf, And more than 70% of golf participants believe that participation in golf is worth or very well worth participating in. More participants like to choose their own membership card or the price of the middle of the pitch with friends or work partners, colleagues play the end of the game, the average number of times more than 20 games per year 75, 75. Through questionnaire and interview, this paper collects the relevant data of this paper, and shows the basic characteristics and consumption of the participants in Beijing Golf. Thus, it can provide real and effective information for the relevant golf industry in Beijing, so that the relevant golf industry in Beijing can adjust the distribution of resources reasonably and provide it on demand, so that it can be more economical and reasonable. More efficient operation and development, so as to achieve a win-win social resources development model.


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1 詹国勇;中国高尔夫产业竞争力研究[D];北京体育大学;2011年




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