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发布时间:2019-02-20 18:40
【摘要】:物业管理行业的繁荣发展给城镇居民带来了全新的生活方式,同时也引发了各种复杂的问题。目前,业主与物业公司之间的纠纷逐年攀升,已经严重影响了物业管理服务行业各方之间关系的和谐。而物业纠纷的核心是物业管理服务费的定价合理化问题,因此如何优化物业管理服务费定价成为业主、物业服务企业和政府主管部门共同的关注焦点和难点。 文章在市场失灵和互补品搭售定价理论基础上,,对隐性垄断的成因、特点和表现形式进行了系统的理论解析。并运用隐性垄断的理论架构,考察物业收费过程的隐性垄断特征和实现条件,揭示物业管理收费困境的根本原因。房地产商和物业企业之间的关联关系,使得特定公司的物业服务成为了住房的排他性互补品,这是隐性垄断的起点。进而,从业主对住房和物业服务相对重要性评价差异的决策依据和物业公司的顾客锁定策略两个角度,解释了物业收费过程中隐性垄断势力的存在。 为了实证物业收费中隐性垄断的影响因素和实现条件,文章以广州的住宅小区物业为例,通过网络和走访问卷调研和Logistic回归分析,证明了开发商和物业企业之间关联关系、有效业主委员会成立与否、业主对物业服务相对重要性权重三个因素对隐性垄断的存在产生显著影响。理论和实证的分析结果,也为制定合理的物业收费制度提供了依据。 文章对广州现行物业收费制度效果进行了系统的评价,并提出了改进的建议,以规避物业管理产生的隐性垄断问题。文章提出解决物业收费隐性垄断的制度规制方式——优化收费形式、强调业主委员会作用、加强信息公布等。
[Abstract]:The prosperity of the property management industry has brought a new way of life to urban residents, but also caused a variety of complex problems. At present, the disputes between owners and property companies have increased year by year, which has seriously affected the harmony between the parties in the property management service industry. The core of property disputes is the rationalization of the pricing of property management services, so how to optimize the pricing of property management services has become the focus and difficulty of owners, property service enterprises and government departments. Based on the theory of market failure and complementary pricing, this paper makes a systematic theoretical analysis of the causes, characteristics and forms of implicit monopoly. By using the theoretical framework of implicit monopoly, this paper investigates the characteristics and conditions of implicit monopoly in the process of property charge, and reveals the fundamental reasons for the dilemma of property management charges. The relationship between real estate developers and real estate enterprises makes the property service of a particular company an exclusive complementary product of housing which is the starting point of implicit monopoly. Furthermore, this paper explains the existence of hidden monopoly power in the process of property charge from two angles: the decision basis of the owners' evaluation of the relative importance of housing and the property service and the customer locking strategy of the property company. In order to demonstrate the influencing factors and realization conditions of implicit monopoly in property charges, this paper takes the residential property in Guangzhou as an example, through network and interview questionnaire survey and Logistic regression analysis, proves the relationship between developers and property enterprises. Whether the effective owners' committee is established or not and whether the owners' relative importance weight to the property service has a significant impact on the existence of hidden monopoly. The theoretical and empirical results also provide a basis for the establishment of a reasonable property charge system. This paper makes a systematic evaluation of the effect of the current property charge system in Guangzhou, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement in order to avoid the hidden monopoly problems arising from the property management. This paper puts forward the system regulation way to solve the hidden monopoly of property charges, which is to optimize the charging form, to emphasize the function of the owners' committee, and to strengthen the publication of information.


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