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发布时间:2019-03-05 19:09
【摘要】:企业文化的概念源自于日本,在西方经历了众多研究后在上世纪传入我国。企业文化的优劣,直接决定着一个企业是否能够凝聚人心、提升管理、激励团队,永续经营。所以,在任何一个企业中,尤其是大型企业中,企业文化的建设成为企业运营管理的一项非常重要的模块。 笔者认为,企业文化的建设工作是一项系统工程,文化建设取法于道,合法入规,不是空乏的口号和高悬的标语,而是深入骨髓的思维理念和坚定不移的战略思想。从文化基因的塑造、企业行为的习惯到文化外化的表达,无一不渗透其中。文化建设具有系统性、科学性、持久性的特点。 蒙苑集团始创于20世纪90年代,经历近20年的风雨,已经发展成为横跨房地产、物流、金融等领域的省级大型民营企业集团。虽然集团在商业运营上取得了巨大成就,但是企业文化建设方面发展空间还比较大。本文旨在通过对企业文化理论进行研究,进而把握蒙苑集团企业文化建设现状和存在问题,为集团进一步发展在企业文化建设方面提出合理性建议,并以此为案例,供民营企业参考与指正。
[Abstract]:The concept of corporate culture originated in Japan and was introduced into China in the last century after many studies in the West. The advantages and disadvantages of corporate culture directly determine whether an enterprise can unite people, promote management, motivate the team, and continue to operate. Therefore, in any enterprise, especially in large-scale enterprises, the construction of corporate culture has become a very important module of enterprise operation and management. The author thinks that the construction of corporate culture is a systematic project. The construction of culture is not empty slogans and high hanging slogans, but the thinking idea and unswerving strategic thought of going deep into the bone marrow instead of empty slogans and high hanging slogans. From the shaping of cultural genes, the habits of corporate behavior to the expression of cultural externalization, all of them permeate them. Cultural construction has the characteristics of systematic, scientific and persistent. Mengyuan Group was founded in the 1990s, after nearly 20 years of wind and rain, has developed into across the real estate, logistics, finance and other fields of large-scale provincial private enterprise groups. Although the group has made great achievements in commercial operations, there is still more room for development in the construction of corporate culture. The purpose of this paper is to study the theory of enterprise culture, and then grasp the present situation and existing problems of the construction of enterprise culture in Mengyuan Group, and put forward reasonable suggestions for the further development of the group in the aspect of enterprise culture construction, and take this as a case study. For the reference and correction of private enterprises.


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