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发布时间:2019-03-12 13:41
【摘要】:自21世纪以来,房地产业在我国快速发展,作为身份和地位象征的房子被大量购买。由于政府的政策导向,现在的房地产市场已经变的极度复杂,巨大的市场供应量,已经使买卖双方市场发生了翻天覆地的变化,卖方市场主导的营销模式和超额利润时代已经成为历史,市场主导已经开始向买方倾斜。 本文根据我国房产形势,以及对万科城前后的营销策略的分析研究,总结并提出未来万科城项目行之有效的、符合未来房地产新政以及适合未来房地产市场变化的新营销渠道以及新营销手法的观点及建议,使万科城在全国房产中屹立不倒。
[Abstract]:Since the 21 ~ (st) century, the real estate industry has developed rapidly in our country. As a status and status symbol, the house has been purchased in large quantities. As a result of the government's policy orientation, the real estate market has become extremely complex, and the huge supply of the market has changed the markets of both buyers and sellers. The seller's market-led marketing model and the era of over-profit have become history, and the market-leading has begun to tilt towards the buyer. According to the situation of real estate in our country and the analysis and research on the marketing strategy before and after Vanke City, this paper summarizes and puts forward the effective projects of Vanke City in the future. In line with the future of the real estate new deal and suitable for future changes in the real estate market new marketing channels and new marketing methods views and suggestions to make Vanke City stand in the country's real estate.


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