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发布时间:2019-03-23 18:47
【摘要】:从2000年的SOHO现代城的一鸣惊人,到2012年刚刚开盘的极具视觉冲击力的银河SOHO, SOHO建筑在北京的发展经历了10几年的历程。SOHO概念在人们的生活中的影响力也越来越大,其在国内房地产市场的地位也愈加重要。 作者通过对北京市十几年来SOHO建筑的发展历程进行归纳,总结,分析,将这十几年中在北京市先后建立起来的SOHO项目进行分类总结。通过对北京市既有及在建的SOHO建筑案例的多角度分析归纳,再结合住宅设计和办公楼设计的若干方法和理论,能够探寻出城市SOHO建筑在中国的起源、演变过程,现状及使用特点,并以相关的建筑设计理论和城市设计理论作为理论指导,试图从北京市SOHO建筑的发展历程中总结出一些特点和设计原则,并初步探讨了SOHO建筑对当代居住建筑的启示。 文章先从SOHO概念的溯源着手,对SOHO概念的产生机制,及其产生的背景进行探索,对其生活方式和居住模式进行分析。再将北京市十几年来建立的SOHO项目按时间及其建筑特点进行分类,提取共性,并进行分析,总结出SOH建筑在国内的起源,发展演变过程,由此推导出国内的SOHO建筑存在的问题及需求导向。再以此导向为方向,以相关建筑设计理论为原则,试着对未来SOHO建筑的发展从平面。空间形态等多角度进行探讨,分析。最后对将SOHO建筑的设计原则引用到居住建筑的设计中去。
[Abstract]:From the blockbuster of SOHO Modern City in 2000 to the development of Galactic SOHO, SOHO architecture with great visual impact just opened in 2012, the development of Galactic SOHO, SOHO Architecture in Beijing has gone through more than 10 years. Soho concept has also become more and more influential in people's lives. Its position in the domestic real estate market is also becoming more and more important. Based on the summary and analysis of the development of SOHO architecture in Beijing in the past ten years, the author classifies and summarizes the SOHO projects which have been established in Beijing in the past ten years. Through the multi-angle analysis of existing and under construction cases of SOHO architecture in Beijing, combined with some methods and theories of residential design and office building design, we can find out the origin and evolution of urban SOHO architecture in China. The present situation and the characteristics of use, and with the relevant architectural design theory and urban design theory as the theoretical guidance, this paper attempts to summarize some characteristics and design principles from the development of SOHO architecture in Beijing. At the same time, the enlightenment of SOHO architecture to contemporary residential architecture is discussed. Starting from the origin of the concept of SOHO, this paper explores the generating mechanism and background of the concept of SOHO, and analyzes its life style and living mode. Then the SOHO project established in the past ten years in Beijing is classified according to the time and architectural characteristics, and the commonness is extracted and analyzed, and the origin, development and evolution of SOH architecture in China are summarized. From this, the existing problems and demand orientation of domestic SOHO buildings are deduced. In this direction, according to the principle of relevant architectural design theory, try to the future development of SOHO architecture from the plane. The spatial morphology is discussed and analyzed from many angles. Finally, the design principle of SOHO architecture is applied to the design of residential building.


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1 于慧芳;CBD现代服务业集聚研究[D];首都经济贸易大学;2010年




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