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发布时间:2019-04-13 20:13
【摘要】:近年来我国房地产市场发展迅速,房价也一直居高不下,政府也一直在尝试各种措施来对房地产市场进行调控,但这些措施都没有在根本上解决问题,人民“住有所居”的民生目标一直得不到很好的落实。通过政府颁布的各种法律规范及文件,可以看出我国着重发展的是住房买卖市场,而对住房租赁市场就鲜少涉及。我国的住房自有率已高达80%,比欧美发达国家的比例高出许多,这种住房结构极不平衡的房地产市场是不健康不稳定的。而且若要保障广大中低收入群体的住房需求,仅仅发展住房买卖市场显然是不现实的,所以我们有必要发展我国的住房租赁市场。在我国住房租赁市场不发达的同时,对现有的住房租赁市场的监管立法和措施也极为不完善,存在着诸多问题。基于此,本文对我国住房租赁市场监管的法律问题从以下四个方面做了分析。 第一部分对本文的研究对象作了界定,即住房租赁市场监管法律制度。接着分析了监管法律制度存在的基础,阐明在市场经济背景下,住房租赁市场监管在整个房屋租赁市场中不可或缺的地位。监管法律制度存在的基础这部分分别从权利基础、社会基础、市场基础及经济法基础四个角度切入,来阐明我国公民住宅权的实现、住房保障体系的补给、房屋租赁市场经济的发展及社会实质公平的实现都需要完善的住房租赁市场监管法律制度。 第二部分主要是通过分析域外住房租赁市场运行情况及现行的法律监管制度,说明要在结合我国基本国情的基础上,借鉴域外有效的监管制度。 第三部分对我国房屋租赁市场的现行立法和实务现状作了全面的梳理,在梳理的基础上总结这两个层面存在的问题,作出对存在问题的评价。主要是通过对现行施行的在房屋租赁方面的国家性法律及房屋租赁市场比较发达的上海、广州、武汉等城市的地区性法规进行分析,总结出在立法与实务上存在的问题,进一步提出应加强房屋租赁市场监管的观点,深化本文主旨。 第四部分在前面各部分分析的基础上对监管机构的选择及监管制度的厘定提出构想,完善我国住房租赁市场监管法律制度。我国自住房体制改革以来,将目光过度投向房屋买卖市场,忽视了房屋租赁市场的发展,从而导致该市场问题重重。政府应该转变视角,逐渐从“重售轻租”向“租售结合”转化,履行好自身的监管职责,促进房屋租赁市场的发展。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's real estate market has developed rapidly, housing prices have also been high, the government has been trying various measures to regulate and control the real estate market, but these measures have not fundamentally solved the problem. The people's livelihood goal of "living and living" has not been carried out very well. Through the various legal norms and documents promulgated by the government, we can see that our country focuses on the development of the housing sale and purchase market, but the housing rental market is rarely involved. The housing ownership rate in China is as high as 80%, which is much higher than that in the developed countries in Europe and the United States. The housing market with highly unbalanced housing structure is not healthy and unstable. Moreover, if we want to protect the housing demand of the middle and low income groups, it is obviously unrealistic to develop the housing market only, so it is necessary for us to develop the housing rental market of our country. While the housing rental market in our country is not developed, the legislation and measures to regulate the existing housing rental market are also very imperfect, and there are many problems. Based on this, this paper analyzes the legal issues of housing rental market supervision in China from the following four aspects. The first part defines the research object of this paper, namely the legal system of housing rental market supervision. Then it analyzes the basis of the existence of the legal system of supervision and expounds the indispensable position of housing rental market supervision in the whole housing rental market under the background of market economy. This part of the foundation of the existence of the regulatory legal system from the rights foundation, the social foundation, the market foundation and the economic law foundation four angles, respectively, to clarify our country citizen housing right realization, the housing security system supply, The development of housing rental market economy and the realization of social essence equity all need perfect legal system of housing lease market supervision. The second part is mainly through the analysis of the operation of the extraterritorial housing rental market and the current legal supervision system, indicating that on the basis of combining the basic national conditions of our country, we should draw lessons from the extraterritorial effective supervision system. The third part makes a comprehensive analysis of the current legislative and practical situation of the housing rental market in our country, summarizes the problems existing in these two aspects on the basis of combing, and makes an evaluation of the existing problems. Mainly through the analysis of the current national laws on housing leasing and the regional laws and regulations of Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other cities, which are relatively developed in the housing rental market, this paper summarizes the existing problems in legislation and practice. Further put forward the view that we should strengthen the supervision of housing rental market, and deepen the main purpose of this paper. The fourth part on the basis of the analysis of the previous parts of the choice of regulatory agencies and regulatory system proposed to improve the legal system of housing rental market supervision in China. Since the reform of housing system, China has paid too much attention to the housing purchase and sale market and ignored the development of the housing rental market, which led to many problems in the market. The government should change the angle of view, gradually change from "heavy sale and light rent" to "rent-sale combination", fulfill its own supervision duty, and promote the development of housing rental market.


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