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发布时间:2019-04-17 06:46
[Abstract]:With the continuous change of organizational structure and economic environment, M & A and reorganization have become an important means to optimize the allocation of resources in China's securities market. The implementation of the National Twelfth five-year Plan has also promoted M & A activities in China. The value evaluation of M & A enterprises has been paid more and more attention. From the view of valuation method, market law evaluation is the most direct and close to reality valuation method, and it is easy to be understood and accepted by people at the same time. However, the application of market law is not very common in our country. The problem of comparable company selection is the main obstacle of market method, and the difference of enterprise is the main cause of this obstacle. Now, under the developed market economy, the enterprise has become a complex system, which adds difficulty to the implementation of the market law, carefully analyzes the differences between enterprises, and how to weaken this difference. Seeking the similarity of enterprises has become a problem that must be solved in the evaluation of market law. This article starts from the theory, from the market method evaluation related theory research and the current domestic and foreign market law use situation to find that the market method assesses the enterprise transaction value, more accords with the M & A reorganization to the enterprise value request, compared with the other appraisal method, However, the choice of comparable companies is a difficult problem, market law evaluation must solve the problem of enterprise differences. Secondly, the paper focuses on the enterprise differences in detail, from the theoretical point of view to study the relationship between enterprise differences and enterprise value, and draw a conclusion that enterprise differences can finally be manifested in the differences of financial indicators and liquidity. These two differences affect the evaluation of enterprise value to a certain extent. So in this paper, the fuzzy matter-element method is used to solve the fuzziness of the financial index in the evaluation of the market method, and the liquidity difference between the comparable company and the target company is measured by the lack of liquidity discount rate. The most similar contrast company is obtained according to the formula of hamming closeness degree, which is more objective and scientific. Based on the data of listed companies in real estate industry, the model obtains reasonable data results and proves the importance of enterprise difference analysis to the improvement of market law. In the practical application of the model, considering the relationship between M & A and the environment of M & A, we select Yunnan Ansheng to merge Xiyuan Real Estate Co., Ltd in Kunming as a case, and use the whole valuation model to carry on the test. Firstly, five contrast companies are selected by fuzzy mathematics, then the value of the target company is calculated by the ratio multiplier model. Finally, the liquidity difference is corrected. Through the analysis and verification of the case results, the relevant data show that the enterprise value obtained by this method is close to the actual transaction value, so the practical application of the model is ideal. Based on the study of enterprise differences and fuzzy matter-element analysis, this paper establishes a new valuation model of market method, and improves the traditional evaluation steps of market method and the single ratio multiplier index system of market method. Including creating the index system of eigenvalues, putting forward a new method of selecting comparable company, and perfecting the adjustment process of the difference between target company and comparable company. The application part enhances the maneuverability of the market valuation model and enriches the application of the market method in the process of concrete evaluation.


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