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发布时间:2019-04-29 13:03
【摘要】:随着人们生活水平的提高,房地产事业也快熟发展,小区建设以占据了相对重要的地位,因此物业管理系统也就快速成熟起来。小区物业管理主要涉及到大量的业主资料、繁杂的收费统计以及小区各项资源的管理,传统的人工管理方式难以应付。小区物业管理系统就是为小区管理者更好的开展小区各项业务处理工作而开发的管理软件,利用计算机实现对小区物业高效、准确的维护和管理。 本论文主要是针对小区物业管理的实际需求,开发一个小区物业管理系统,为有关办公人员提供必要的帮助,使得居民小区走上物业管理信息化之路。本系统是根据小区的实际管理工作流程设计的,它的工作流程也是与现实保持一致,主要包括楼栋管理、房间管理、业主管理、业主成员管理、收费项目管理、业主缴费管理等模块,小区物业管理信息系统简单实用,从较大程度上缓解了管理人员的工作压力。本系统以ASP为编程环境,采用MYSQL作为后台数据库来实现系统的功能。通过对小区物业管理进行可行性分析,需求分析和设计逐步将一个小区物业管理系统的开发过程呈现出来。 本系统的设计与实施对于有关人员是有莫大的帮助:可以实现管理的信息化,提高办公效率,减少办公压力,健全管理体制,提高数据安全性,缩短信息的响应时间,将以前传统的、零散的、被动的管理模式转变为先进的、系统的、主动的管理模式。
[Abstract]:With the improvement of people's living standard, the real estate industry is developing rapidly, and the community construction occupies a relatively important position, so the property management system is maturing rapidly. Residential property management mainly involves a large number of owner data, complicated charge statistics and the management of the resources of the district, the traditional manual management is difficult to cope with. The residential property management system is a management software developed for the district manager to carry out the business processing work of the district better. The computer is used to realize the efficient and accurate maintenance and management of the residential property. This paper is mainly aimed at the actual needs of residential property management, to develop a residential property management system, to provide the necessary help for the relevant office personnel, so that the residential district onto the road of property management information. The system is designed according to the actual management workflow of the district, its workflow is also consistent with the reality, mainly including building management, room management, owner member management, charge project management, Owners pay fees management module, residential property management information system is simple and practical, from a greater extent to alleviate the pressure of managers. This system takes ASP as the programming environment, uses MYSQL as the background database to realize the function of the system. Through the feasibility analysis of residential property management, demand analysis and design gradually presents the development process of a residential property management system. The design and implementation of the system is of great help to the personnel concerned: it can realize information management, improve office efficiency, reduce office pressure, improve management system, improve data security, and shorten the response time of information. Transform the traditional, scattered, passive management mode into advanced, systematic and active management mode.


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1 林平 ,韩玉章;企业固定资产管理系统的开发与实施[J];数字化工;2005年Z1期




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