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发布时间:2019-05-19 17:35
【摘要】:随着我国经济水平的提升,人们文化水平及审美要求不断提高,房地产消费者不再仅满足于建筑是提供人们遮寒避雨的场所,对建筑作品的艺术美感提出越来越高的要求。为了顺应市场需求,房地产开发商在满足人们对建筑使用功能要求的基础上,建设了越来越多外观新颖的建筑作品,增强了城市多元化美感,极大地提升了城市形象。但是,建筑作品作为建筑师创造力的结晶,越来越多遭到不法商人的抄袭复制,极大地损害了著作权人的权益。业内要求保护建筑作品复制权的呼声越来越高,如何保护建筑作品复制权免遭侵犯引起了人们的高度重视。 针对这种日益严重的侵权现象,笔者从建筑作品复制权侵权现状入手,力求在明晰建筑作品复制权侵权方式和判断标准基础上,,寻求认定建筑作品复制权侵权的一般规则,并试图在立法和司法层面对我国建筑作品著作权保护提出自己的建议,以期对我国《著作权法》的完善有所裨益。本文共包括三个部分: 第一部分主要描写了建筑作品复制权侵权现状。主要通过对“盛放鸟巢”烟花侵权案、裴多福建筑师事务所诉“锦绣天地·西湖国际俱乐部”项目侵权案等具有较大社会影响的侵权案件进行分析,揭示了建筑物(或构筑物)、建筑设计图以及建筑模型是建筑作品复制权侵权案件主要侵权客体,对这三类客体侵权复制导致了著作权人巨大的经济利益损失,唤醒了人们对建筑作品复制权的保护意识。 第二部分是建筑作品复制权侵权认定,主要是对侵权复制的认定标准及方式进行分析,指出我国在建筑作品复制权保护方面一些不足之处。侵权复制方式主要是平面到平面、平面到立体、立体到平面以及立体到立体的复制;侵权复制的内容是针对建筑作品具有独创性部分进行复制,这种复制行为导致了侵权作品与原建筑作品实质性相似。最后笔者对现在司法实务中常见的两种认定建筑作品实质性相似的方法进行了比较分析。 第三部分主要是针对我国建筑作品复制权保护方面的欠缺,在立法、司法程序层面提出一些建议并尝试探索权利人自力救济的途径。
[Abstract]:With the improvement of China's economic level and the continuous improvement of people's cultural level and aesthetic requirements, real estate consumers are no longer satisfied with architecture as a place to shelter people from the cold and rain, and put forward higher and higher requirements for the artistic beauty of architectural works. In order to meet the market demand, real estate developers have built more and more novel architectural works on the basis of meeting the functional requirements of building use, which has enhanced the aesthetic feeling of urban diversification and greatly improved the image of the city. However, as the crystallization of architect's creativity, architectural works are more and more copied by illegal businessmen, which greatly damages the rights and interests of copyright owners. The call for the protection of the right of reproduction of architectural works is getting higher and higher in the industry. How to protect the right of reproduction of architectural works from infringement has attracted great attention. In view of this increasingly serious infringement phenomenon, the author starts with the present situation of the infringement of the right of reproduction of construction works, and strives to seek the general rules for determining the infringement of the right of reproduction of construction works on the basis of clarifying the mode and judgment standard of the infringement of the right of reproduction of construction works. This paper also tries to put forward some suggestions on the copyright protection of architectural works in China at the legislative and judicial levels, in order to be beneficial to the perfection of the copyright Law of our country. This paper consists of three parts: the first part mainly describes the status quo of the infringement of the right of reproduction of architectural works. Mainly through the "bird nest" fireworks infringement case, Pei Duofu architect firm v. "Jinxiu Tiandi West Lake International Club" project infringement cases with great social impact on the analysis of infringement cases, such as the "bird nest" fireworks infringement case, Peidofu architect firm v. "Jinxiu Tiandi West Lake International Club" project infringement cases, etc. It is revealed that buildings (or structures), architectural drawings and architectural models are the main infringement objects in cases of infringement of the right of reproduction of architectural works, and the infringement and reproduction of these three types of objects has led to the huge loss of economic interests of copyright owners. It awakens people's consciousness of protecting the right to reproduce architectural works. The second part is the cognizance of the right of reproduction of architectural works, which mainly analyzes the standards and methods of infringing reproduction, and points out some shortcomings in the protection of the right of reproduction of architectural works in our country. The main ways of infringing replication are from plane to plane, from plane to stereoscopic, from stereoscopic to plane and from stereoscopic to stereoscopic. The content of tort reproduction is to copy the original part of architectural works, which leads to the substantial similarity between infringing works and original architectural works. Finally, the author makes a comparative analysis of the two common methods in judicial practice to identify the substantive similarity of architectural works. The third part mainly aims at the lack of protection of the right of reproduction of architectural works in our country, puts forward some suggestions at the level of legislation and judicial procedure, and tries to explore the ways of self-relief of the obligee.


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