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发布时间:2019-05-21 12:45
【摘要】:由于人类在室内停留的时间很长,室内空气质量与人类的身体健康有密切的关系,室内空气品质影响着人们的健康。随着经济的发展,室内空气中污染物的数量和种类在不断增多。这些有毒物质的存在已经严重危害到人类的身心健康和生活水平。 上个世纪九十年代末以来,呼和浩特开始了大规模的城市建设。随着房地产的飞速发展和居民生活条件的改善,呼和浩特也开始了室内装修热潮,呼和浩特地区的室内空气污染问题凸现出来。鉴于以上情况,本课题针对呼和浩特地区的室内空气污染状况进行研究。 通过对呼和浩特市住宅的室内空气质量进行监测,测量甲醛、TVOC、氡气、氨气、伽马射线等空气污染物的含量。由于呼和浩特市是内蒙古自治区的首府,人口密集,所以有必要对公共场所的室内环境质量进行调查和分析。通过调查分析发现:对于住宅来说,是否装修以及装修房间内通风状况等因素对室内空气质量影响很大;对于公共场所来说,室内空气污染物的主要来源为装饰、装修品。加上公共场所在通风的设计上存在着很大的欠缺,导致室内污染物很难扩散到室外,导致室内空气质量的恶化。 在调查过程中,发现影响室内空气质量的具体因素有装修材料、装修时间、装修程度等。根据对比分析得出装修时间越短,装修程度越复杂,使用的化学装修材料越多,室内空气环境质量越差。 最后,对呼和浩特市室内空气污染物的来源进行探究,并提出降低室内空气污染的建议。
[Abstract]:Because human stay indoors for a long time, indoor air quality is closely related to human health, and indoor air quality affects people's health. With the development of economy, the quantity and type of pollutants in indoor air are increasing. The existence of these toxic substances has seriously endangered human physical and mental health and living standards. Since the late 1990 s, Hohhot has begun large-scale urban construction. With the rapid development of real estate and the improvement of residents' living conditions, Hohhot has also begun the upsurge of interior decoration, and the indoor air pollution problem in Hohhot area has emerged. In view of the above situation, this paper studies the indoor air pollution in Hohhot area. The indoor air quality of residential buildings in Hohhot was monitored to measure the contents of formaldehyde, TVOC, radon, ammonia, gamma rays and other air pollutants. Because Hohhot is the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region and has a dense population, it is necessary to investigate and analyze the indoor environmental quality of public places. Through investigation and analysis, it is found that whether or not to decorate and decorate the ventilation in the room has a great influence on indoor air quality, and for public places, the main source of indoor air pollutants is decoration and decoration. In addition, there is a great lack of ventilation design in public places, which makes it difficult for indoor pollutants to spread to the outside, resulting in the deterioration of indoor air quality. In the process of investigation, it is found that the specific factors affecting indoor air quality are decoration materials, decoration time, decoration degree and so on. According to the comparative analysis, the shorter the decoration time, the more complex the decoration degree, the more chemical decoration materials used, the worse the indoor air environment quality. Finally, the source of indoor air pollutants in Hohhot is explored, and some suggestions to reduce indoor air pollution are put forward.


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