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发布时间:2019-05-22 09:52
[Abstract]:On 17 April 2017, the China International Economic Exchange Centre organized the 94th "monthly economic talk", with the theme of "The Analysis and Prospect of the Economic Situation in the First Quarter". The participants pointed out that there have been some positive changes in the international economy in the near term, and the international economy is still facing a shortage of dynamic growth in the medium and long term. In the first quarter, China's economic operation has continued to have a steady and steady trend in the past year, and the economy is expected to be better, but at the same time there are outstanding problems such as the tight liquidity, the vitality of the private enterprise to be better released, the real estate sustainable development uncertainty, etc., In that future, the economy of our country will fall in a quarter-by-quarter, but it is sure to realize the economic growth of over 6.5% in the whole year. We should continue to adhere to the general tone of the "to be in a steady and steady state" and keep the macroeconomic policies stable, including the continued adoption of active and effective fiscal policies and a prudent and neutral monetary policy, and efforts to advance the supply-side structural reforms while preventing financial risks.
【作者单位】: 中国国际经济交流中心信息部;


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