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发布时间:2019-05-28 06:52
【摘要】:本论文是针对AH地产这家企业所做的组织管理方面的企业诊断报告。AH地产是中山市的一家中小型的房地产开发公司,正如80年代成长起来的很多企业一样,在改革开放的前提背景下,公司的创始人何建华先生通过自己的勤劳和智慧,白手起家,从无到有,创立了AH房地产开发有限公司。他有着远大的目标,希望能把企业做大做强,成为中山市高尚住宅的标杆企业。但是,公司一直沿用着人治的管理模式和家族企业氛围浓重。当企业规模不断壮大的过程中,管理的滞后,形成了对发展的反作用力。在这个快鱼吃慢鱼的年代,公司的管理层意识到企业需要变革,“逆水行舟,不进则退”,要理清组织管理上存在的问题,逐一解决,才能使发展期间的中小型企业向现代企业转变,更好地生存和发展。 本论文在参阅了国内外关于战略性人力资源的大量文献资料的基础上,运用了审阅资料、调查问卷、正式访谈、现场观察、工作坊等方式进行调查研究,取得了第一手的资料,重点针对人力资源的几个问题进行调研和分析:一、AH地产在人力资源的岗位说明书、招聘体系、绩效与考核、培训与开发、薪酬与激励、职业生涯规划等模块的有效性;二、员工对AH公司的工作回报、工作背景、工作群体、企业管理等方面的满意度;三、员工对公司战略、公司经营决策等战略性人力资源的认知程度。最后,论文根据调研和分析的结果,提出诊断意见,并进一步提出了改善的建议。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分是绪论,讨论了诊断背景、目的、诊断的内容和方法;第二部分是对文献的综述以及对相关理论的回顾;第三部分是对AH公司的情况介绍及战略分析;第四部分是针对AH公司人力资源管理的几个重点问题调查、分析与诊断;第五部分是提出人力资源管理改善的建议。最后部分是论文的结语,包括研究的小结和研究的不足与展望。 本人从事人力资源及管理工作已经多年,在AH公司从事管理工作较长,希望通过论文的写作,从现代企业管理的角度进行探讨,通过对AH房地产的内部诊断,可以清晰看到处于发展期的中小型企业所面临的转型阵痛。在利用现代企业管理理念提出解决问题意见的同时,也是让大家思考转型中的中小企业的出路。
[Abstract]:This paper is a diagnostic report on the organization and management of AH Real Estate. Ah Real Estate is a small and medium-sized real estate development company in Zhongshan City, just like many enterprises that grew up in the 1980s. Under the premise of reform and opening up, Mr. he Jianhua, the founder of the company, founded AH Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., starting from scratch through his own diligence and wisdom. He has a lofty goal, hoping to make the enterprise bigger and stronger, and become the benchmark enterprise of noble housing in Zhongshan City. However, the company has been using the management model of rule of man and the strong atmosphere of family business. When the scale of the enterprise continues to grow, the lag of management has formed a reaction to development. In this era of fast fish eating slow fish, the management of the company realized that enterprises need to change, "sailing against the current, not advancing or retreating," and it is necessary to clarify the problems existing in organization and management and solve them one by one. In order to make the development of small and medium-sized enterprises to modern enterprises, better survival and development. On the basis of referring to a large number of literature on strategic human resources at home and abroad, this paper makes use of review data, questionnaires, formal interviews, on-site observation, workshops and other ways to carry out investigation and research, and obtains first-hand data. This paper focuses on the investigation and analysis of several problems of human resources: first, the effectiveness of AH real estate in human resources job description, recruitment system, performance and evaluation, training and development, compensation and incentive, career planning and other modules; Second, employees' satisfaction with AH's work return, work background, work group, enterprise management and so on; third, the degree of employees' cognition of strategic human resources such as company strategy, company management decision and so on. Finally, according to the results of investigation and analysis, the paper puts forward some diagnostic suggestions, and further puts forward some suggestions for improvement. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, which discusses the background, purpose, contents and methods of diagnosis, the second part is a review of the literature and related theories, and the second part is a review of the literature and related theories. The third part is the introduction and strategic analysis of AH company; the fourth part is aimed at the investigation, analysis and diagnosis of several key problems of human resource management in AH company; the fifth part is to put forward some suggestions for the improvement of human resource management. The last part is the conclusion of the paper, including the summary of the research and the shortcomings and prospects of the research. I have been engaged in human resources and management for many years, and have been engaged in management for a long time in AH Company. I hope that through the writing of the paper, from the perspective of modern enterprise management, through the internal diagnosis of AH real estate, We can clearly see the transition pain faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in the period of development. While using the modern enterprise management concept to solve the problems, it is also the way out for us to think about the transition of small and medium-sized enterprises.


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