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发布时间:2019-06-06 09:00
[Abstract]:The optimization and adjustment of capital structure is one of the key issues in the field of corporate finance. In recent years, in order to meet their own investment needs, China's real estate listed companies borrow heavily, and the debt pressure continues to increase. In this context, according to the financing characteristics of real estate listed companies, the study of their capital structure optimization objectives and adjustment behavior can provide a reference for the company to make financing decisions, but also provide a basis for the formulation of industrial policies. At the same time, the analysis of capital structure optimization and adjustment, which integrates the characteristics of the industry, provides a new idea for the research in the field of corporate finance. Therefore, the paper has important practical and theoretical significance. Based on the existing research, this paper puts forward the overall framework of the research on the optimization and adjustment of capital structure of real estate listed companies: determining the optimization goal-optimal capital structure; comparing and analyzing the realistic and optimal capital structure; and studying the behavior of capital structure adjustment. Firstly, according to the financing characteristics of listed real estate companies in China, the optimal capital structure model is constructed, the optimal capital structure of the sample companies is calculated, and the sensitivity analysis of the parameters in the optimal capital structure model is carried out. Secondly, by comparing the difference between the reality and the optimal capital structure of real estate listed companies, this paper analyzes the reasons why the capital structure deviates from the optimal level by studying the relationship between the supply and demand of funds. Finally, based on the partial adjustment model of capital structure, the paper calculates the speed of capital structure adjustment of sample companies, and divides the adjustment behavior into positive adjustment and non-positive adjustment. The factors that affect the behavior of capital structure adjustment are studied at the meso and macro levels. In the above framework, on the basis of theoretical analysis, combined with the national housing climate index from 2003 to 2012, some macroeconomic data and some financial data of 66 real estate listed companies are empirically studied. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the optimal capital structure of real estate listed companies is determined by the characteristics of the company, house price, interest rate and income tax rate. (2) the reality and optimal capital structure of real estate listed companies are quite different. Most companies tend to be overindebted. The imbalance between supply and demand of capital is the main reason why the capital structure deviates from the optimal level. (3) the capital structure of real estate listed companies is mainly partial adjustment and reverse adjustment. From the micro point of view, the deviation of capital structure and profitability play an obvious role in promoting the adjustment behavior, and at the meso level, the degree of industrial prosperity has both positive and negative effects on the adjustment of capital structure. From the macro level, the economic situation and macro-control will significantly affect the behavior of capital structure adjustment. Based on the above research conclusions, the paper suggests that: (1) the financing objectives of real estate listed companies should be adjusted with the changes of company characteristics and market environment (house price, interest rate and tax rate, etc.). (2) the government should relax the conditions of equity refinancing. At the same time, maintain the conservatism of monetary policy; Real estate listed companies should broaden financing channels and rational financing in order to minimize the deviation between reality and optimal capital structure. (3) Cooperation between companies should be strengthened in order to improve the speed of capital structure adjustment and speed up the adjustment process.


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