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发布时间:2019-06-06 06:28
[Abstract]:Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, the State Development and Reform Commission, the people's Bank of China, the General Administration of Industry and Commerce, The CBRC and other seven departments have jointly issued the opinions on strengthening the Management of Real Estate intermediaries and promoting the healthy Development of the Industry (hereinafter referred to as the opinions). " The opinion "in view of the fact that there are many stubborn diseases in the real estate intermediary service industry," the number of sending departments, the scope involved, the comprehensive measures taken, and the strictness of supervision and control are unprecedented. It is called the strictest new regulation of real estate intermediary management in the history of our country. Some people in the industry said that if the opinion can be strictly implemented, the false housing supply that has existed in the intermediary market for a long time will make a poor profit.


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