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发布时间:2019-06-08 07:56
[Abstract]:Based on the theory of cost accounting system, this paper is based on a case study. This paper introduces the general situation and business characteristics of M real estate company, and analyzes the existing problems in view of the present situation of cost accounting system of M real estate company: the division of cost accounting objects is not detailed, the detailed account setting of housing development cost is not comprehensive, The collection of housing development cost accounts is not perfect. Then it discusses the reasons: the lack of clear provisions of real estate industry cost accounting management, and M real estate company financial personnel capacity is uneven, rough formulation. Finally, according to the actual situation, some suggestions are put forward: according to the characteristics of project development and the actual management needs, the cost accounting objects are further divided into cost accounting objects according to the unit; According to the development period, function, unit set up "development cost-housing development cost" detailed subjects, improve the collection of housing development cost account; Considering that the supporting facilities lag behind the housing development, set up the "accounts payable-advance supporting facilities fee" account.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学经济与管理学院;


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