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发布时间:2019-06-18 21:50
[Abstract]:Legislation and practice misinterpret the constitutional interpretation of "urban land belongs to the state", which damages the interests of land rights holders and seriously violates the legal principle. At present, scholars' explanations can not adapt to the development of market economy, or there are problems that are inconsistent with historical facts. The original intention of constitution was to nationalize urban land while allowing the original land owners to continue to use, which was in line with the planned economy system at that time. However, after previous amendments and the opening of the land market, the meaning of the provisions has changed to nationalize urban land under the condition that the land rights holder retains the right to use the land. Although the rights and interests of the original land rights and interests have gone through the change from ownership, use to the right to use, but there has been no real change. This interpretation can be reversed through the provisions of Article 13 of the Constitution on public interest collection. The Land Management Law and the Urban Real Estate Management Law should be revised in accordance with the new interpretation.
【作者单位】: 广东外语外贸大学土地法制研究院;


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