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发布时间:2020-06-04 10:32
【摘要】:Housing is the basis for the survival of mankind in modern society.The protection of citizens'right to reside is the basic obligation of the government.With the goal from the fulfilment of owning the house to utilizing the house in China,the "Several Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of the Home-Rental Market" clearly stated the policy of cultivating and developing the housing rental market in 2016.It aims to solve the housing difficulties of low and middle-income groups through policy-rental housing and realize the residence of urban residents.However,the relevant laws and regulations at this stage are still not complete.The definition of the tenant and the ownership of the house are not clearly.The mode of entry and exit of the lessee didn't definite.The government supervision duties is not clearly.The supply of rental housing is insufficient.The implementation of the financing mechanism is poor.These obstacles make it difficult for China to promote policy-rental housing.Only by selectively drawing on the successful experience form outside,we can break through the existing obstacles and build a policy-rental housing system suitable for local situation.The main purpose of this paper is to provide effective legal guarantee for the promotion of policy-rental housing in China.It is divided into five parts:The first chapter introduces the basic theory of policy-rental housing and defines the concept of policy-rental housing.It compares with public housing and public rental housing,and lays a theoretical foundation for further research.The second chapter summarizes the early practice of policy-rental housing in China,and sorts out the pilot project of housing leasing in China and the construction of leased housing using collective construction land.The third chapter analyzes the problems faced by China in implementing policy-rental housing,and finds its obstacles in legislative level,housing ownership,renting subject,access and exit methods,government duties,housing supply,the financing mechanism and other aspects.The fourth chapter summarizes the policy housing leasing system and legislation of extraterritorial countries and regions,and makes a specific analysis and objective evaluation of the content that can be borrowed.The fifth chapter is aimed at the policy-rental housing in China.Under the principle of moderate guarantee,hierarchical guarantee and dynamic adjustment,the author puts forward some suggestions for reference for the development of policy-rental housing in China.


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