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发布时间:2021-10-24 21:59


【文章页数】:113 页


Chapter I Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Objective
    1.3 Research Significance
        1.3.1 Theoretical Significance
        1.3.2 Practical significance
    1.4 Research Methods
        1.4.1 Literature review
        1.4.2 Questionnaire
        1.4.3 Interview method
    1.5 Research Frame
Chapter II Literature Review
    2.1 Concepts of Training system
    2.2 Overseas and Domestic Research Status
        2.2.1 The learning organization
        2.2.2 Training development steps and process
        2.2.3 The principle of training
        2.2.4 Training effect evaluation
    2.3 The influencing factors of training
Chapter III Case Description
    3.1 Background Information of Qihoo 360 company
    3.2 Agent training system Status Description
        3.2.1 Knowledge examination success rate is low
        3.2.2 The agent has no clear functional departments and personnel in training
        3.2.3 The autonomous training ability is poor
        3.2.4 Training agents formulated related management practices
        3.2.5 No enterprise internal training document precipitation agents
Chapter IV Case Analysis
    4.1 The questionnaire survey
        4.1.1 Research Objects
        4.1.2 The Design of Questionnaire
        4.1.3 Reliability and Validity Test for Questionnaire
        4.1.4 Descriptive Analysis of Sample Data
        4.1.5 Satisfaction data analysis
    4.2 Interview
        4.2.1 Research Objects
        4.2.2 Interview design
        4.2.3 The interview sample descriptive analysis
    4.3 Research conclusion
    4.4 Cause Analysis
        4.4.1 The lack of perfect training regulation
        4.4.2 Training course design is not reasonable
        4.4.3 Trainer ability is insufficient
        4.4.4 The lack of training effect evaluation
Chapter V Solution
    5.1 Establish and improve the research process of the training needs
        5.1.1 Platform for the research and analysis of training needs
        5.1.2 Intelligent research and analysis the training needs
    5.2 Establish an effective trainer development mechanism
        5.2.1 Major trainer certification program
        5.2.2 Lieutenant colonel trainer certification program
        5.2.3 Colonel trainer certification program
    5.3 Establish a perfect mechanism of curriculum development and testing
        5.3.1 The national curriculum resources sharing platform
        5.3.2 Curriculum development ADDIE standard model
        5.3.3 Course test multi-dimensional evaluation
    5.4 Establish an effective training effect evaluation mechanism
        5.4.1 Response assessment online
        5.4.2 Learning evaluation differentiation
        5.4.3 Behavior evaluation and effect evaluation Systematization
    5.5 Build a good corporate study culture
        5.5.1 With social and mobile products break the learning disability
        5.5.2 Innovative learning form to improve the learning interest
        5.5.3 Rewards and recognition outstanding trainees
        5.5.4 Creating a learning environment
        5.5.5 The agent training organization structure standardization
Chapter Ⅵ Conclusion and Research Prospects
    6.1 Conclusion
    6.2 Innovation
    6.3 Limitations and Prospects

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