本文选题:民主革命时期 切入点:中国共产党 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:民主革命时期中国共产党领导的农业合作社是党领导农民进行民主革命,发展农业生产伟大的实践。民主革命时期农业合作社的创立与发展不仅促进了农业生产的发展,提高了广大农民的生活水平,更为当时革命战争提供了物资及人力等方面的有效支援。农业合作社在民主革命时期根据地经济建设及革命发展中都起到了不可忽视的作用,同时其组织发展过程中所积累下来的丰富经验对现阶段我国农业专业合作社的发展也有着重要的参考作用。因此,研究民主革命时期中国共产党领导的农业合作社是有着重要的实践意义的。民主革命时期中国共产党领导的农业合作社还是马克思主义中国化的实践形式,研究其组织过程同样有着重要的理论意义。本文试在对大量史料做具体详细的梳理的基础上,分析研究民主革命时期中国共产党所领导的农业合作社,对这一时期党所领导的农业合作社做具体、细致的解读。 本文共分为四个部分,其逻辑性基本表现为: 第一部分:论述了民主革命时期建立和发展农业合作社的必要性。民主革命时期建立和发展农业生产合作社有助于巩固根据地的政权和建立巩固的工农联盟,同时也是发展根据地经济及提高农业生产力的需要。 第二部分:介绍了民主革命时期农业合作社的组织形式,分阶段地总结、概括出了民主革命时期各种类型的农业合作社。 第三部分:论述了民主革命时期农业合作社的主要特征,主要有与新民主主义革命相联系的革命性、广泛的群众性、服务于革命的生产性、农业合作社发展演变中的过渡性等特征。 第四部分:阐述了民主革命时期农业合作社的当代价值,包括对中国农业现代化的重要意义及为新时期农业合作经济组织的发展提供可资借鉴的经验两个方面。
[Abstract]:The agricultural cooperative led by the Communist Party of China during the period of the democratic revolution is the great practice of leading the peasants to carry out the democratic revolution and develop the agricultural production. The establishment and development of the agricultural co-operatives during the period of the democratic revolution not only promoted the development of agricultural production, The peasants' living standards were improved, and the revolutionary war at that time provided effective support in the fields of materials and manpower. Agricultural cooperatives played an important role in the economic construction and revolutionary development of the base areas during the democratic revolution. At the same time, the rich experience accumulated in the course of its organization and development also plays an important reference role in the development of specialized agricultural cooperatives in our country at the present stage. It is of great practical significance to study the agricultural cooperatives led by the Communist Party of China during the period of the Democratic Revolution. In the period of the democratic revolution, the agricultural cooperatives led by the Communist Party of China are still the practical forms of Marxism in China. It is also of great theoretical significance to study its organizational process. Based on the detailed analysis of a large number of historical materials, this paper tries to analyze and study the agricultural cooperatives led by the Communist Party of China during the period of the Democratic Revolution. This period of the agricultural co-operative led by the party to do a specific, detailed interpretation. This paper is divided into four parts, and its logic is as follows:. Part I: the necessity of establishing and developing agricultural cooperatives during the period of the democratic revolution. The establishment and development of agricultural production cooperatives during the period of the democratic revolution will contribute to the consolidation of political power in the base areas and the establishment of a consolidated alliance of workers and peasants. At the same time, it is also the need to develop base area economy and improve agricultural productivity. The second part introduces the organizational form of agricultural cooperatives in the period of democratic revolution, summarizes the various types of agricultural cooperatives in the period of democratic revolution. The third part discusses the main characteristics of agricultural cooperatives in the period of democratic revolution, which are mainly revolutionary, extensive mass and serving the productive nature of revolution, which are related to the new democratic revolution. The transitional features in the development and evolution of agricultural cooperatives. Part 4th: expounds the contemporary value of agricultural cooperatives in the period of democratic revolution, including the significance of agricultural modernization in China and the experience that can be used for reference for the development of agricultural cooperative economic organizations in the new period.
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