本文选题:民主 + 政治发展 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:路径依赖从一个概念发展到一种理论分析工具,在社会科学的诸多领域得到了广泛应用,民主政治发展也存在路径依赖现象。通过分析建国以来民主政治发展的内涵特征和演进过程,我国民主政治发展具有典型的路径依赖特性。 在良性路径依赖方面主要是:思想观念上继承和发展马克思主义民主观和中国特色社会主义民主观,制度体系上坚持和发展人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度和基层群众自治制度,组织行为上坚持中国共产党的领导、渐进性改革、走增量式民主的发展道路;同时,我国民主政治发展还面临着一些阻碍因素,从恶性路径依赖视角分析,主要有:思想观念上受封建专制集权思想和资产阶级自由化的束缚,制度体系上受计划经济体制残余和高度集权的政治体制的约束,组织行为上表现为政治体制相对滞后、既得利益集团的自我保护和强化的制约。 积极应对民主政治发展的路径依赖现象,一方面要“维护”,继承良性路径依赖。主要是发扬中国特色的社会主义民主观,进一步完善我国的民主政治制度,继续走渐进式的民主发展道路。另一方面要“突破”,清除或减少阻碍因素,打破恶性路径依赖。主要是肃清封建思想残余,建立新型政治文化;坚定社会主义方向,反对资产阶级自由化;深化经济体制改革;积极稳妥推进政治体制改革;遏制部门利益,打破权力垄断;扩大公民有序的政治参与。
[Abstract]:Path dependence has developed from a concept to a theoretical analysis tool, and has been widely used in many fields of social science. There is also a phenomenon of path dependence in the development of democratic politics. By analyzing the connotation characteristics and evolution process of democratic political development since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the development of democratic politics in China has the characteristic of typical path dependence. In terms of positive path dependence, they are: inheriting and developing the Marxist democratic concept and the socialist democratic view with Chinese characteristics ideologically and systemically, upholding and developing the people's Congress system. The system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the system of regional national autonomy and the system of grass-roots mass autonomy, and the organizational behavior of the Communist Party of China should adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, gradually reform, and follow the path of incremental democracy; at the same time, The development of democratic politics in our country also faces some obstacles, which are analyzed from the perspective of vicious path dependence. The main factors are: the ideology and ideas are bound by the feudal autocratic totalitarian thought and bourgeois liberalization. The institutional system is constrained by the remnants of the planned economy system and the highly centralized political system, and the organizational behavior shows that the political system is relatively lagging behind, and the self-protection and strengthening of vested interest groups are restricted. On the one hand, we should "maintain" and inherit benign path dependence. It is mainly to carry forward the socialist democratic view with Chinese characteristics, to further perfect the democratic political system of our country, and to continue to follow the path of gradual democratic development. On the other hand, we should break through, remove or reduce obstacles and break malignant path dependence. It is mainly to eliminate the remnants of feudal ideology and establish a new political culture; to strengthen the socialist direction and oppose bourgeois liberalization; to deepen the reform of the economic system; to actively and steadily advance the political system reform; to contain the interests of the departments and to break the monopoly of power; Expand citizens' orderly political participation.
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