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发布时间:2018-06-26 07:35

  本文选题:和谐社会 + 法治理念 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 和谐社会是中国共产党、中国政府和人民共同的理想与追求。和谐社会的建立需要完善的法律制度为其保驾护航。基于中西方在历史传统和社会文化背景上的巨大差异,在中国建设社会主义和谐社会时,不可能照搬美日等西方的法治化模式。近五千年的中国传统儒家文化对中国社会的影响,可说是根深蒂固。五千年的历史发展的事实让我们看到,儒家思想之所以一直为历代多数君王所推崇,究其原因,就是因其特有的思想体系很适合当时的社会环境,并且,为多数人所接受。作为一种思想,对一个国家和民族有着几千年的影响,不得不引起我们的思考。在儒家思想的基础上,结合我国的现实情况,借鉴外国成功的法律模式,进而建立一种以道德教化为先锋,以完备的法治理念作后盾的和谐社会。这是我们共同为之奋斗的目标。 本文在结构上大体分为: 第一章和谐社会与法治理念 简略介绍了有关和谐社会的概念、内涵及法治理念的概念、内涵。此外,对建设社会主义法治理念的思想也进行了简单的剖析。第二章儒家思想与法家思想理念的融合 本章主要介绍儒家思想与法家思想,并对两种思想作以比较。通过比较,来体现两种思想在建设社会主义和谐社会的法治化道路过程中所发挥的作用。 第三章法治理念的构建 这一章主要内容是:首先,分析违法犯罪的社会根源。宽容理念对于减少及预防违法犯罪将起到严刑峻法所达不到的社会效果。第二方面,从传统社会思想与现代社会思想的碰撞来分析和看待传统的民族风俗、乡规民约在立法思想中的融入。同时,简要对中国将从传统“熟人社会”向“陌生人社会”的转变趋势作以分析。第三方面,简要阐释社会评价对我国立法和司法实务的影响。第四方面,从借鉴国外的陪审团制度谈在我国实行大小人民陪审团制度的构建问题。第五方面,从立法思想方面谈有关量刑宽严问题。 第四章结论 作者主要观点阐述。和谐社会应当是一个法治完备,充满宽容与理解,以道德调整、教化为先导,法治体系作后盾的一种新型的社会主义法治条件下的和谐社会。 本篇论文采取比较和实证分析的方法,试图对构建一个适合中国国情的和谐社会思想体系提出作者自己的一点想法。由于作者在知识层面、文化背景、生活阅历、个人视野等方面的局限,力图构建一个如此庞杂、宏大的法律制度体系,实在难以掩饰诸多的肤浅与缺陷,故本文仍有许多需要不断改进与提升之处。
[Abstract]:Harmonious society is the common ideal and pursuit of the Communist Party of China, Chinese government and people. The establishment of a harmonious society needs a sound legal system to protect it. Based on the great differences between China and the West in the historical tradition and social and cultural background, it is impossible to copy the rule of law mode of the United States and Japan and other western countries when China is building a harmonious socialist society. The influence of Chinese traditional Confucian culture on Chinese society is deeply rooted in the past five thousand years. The fact that five thousand years of historical development makes us see that Confucianism has been respected by most kings in successive dynasties, the reason is that its unique ideological system is very suitable for the social environment at that time, and it is accepted by most people. As a kind of thought, it has influenced a country and nation for thousands of years, and has to arouse our thinking. On the basis of Confucian thought, combining with the reality of our country and drawing lessons from the successful legal model of foreign countries, a harmonious society with moral education as its vanguard and complete concept of rule of law as its backing is established. This is our common goal. In the first chapter, the concept of harmonious society and the concept of the rule of law are briefly introduced, including the concept of harmonious society, the connotation of the concept of the rule of law, and the connotation of the concept of the rule of law. In addition, the idea of building a socialist rule of law is also a simple analysis. The second chapter introduces the combination of Confucianism and Legalist ideology, and compares the two thoughts. Through comparison, the two ideas play an important role in the process of building a socialist harmonious society by the rule of law. The third chapter constructs the idea of rule of law. The main content is: first, analyze the social root of illegal crime. The concept of tolerance will have a social effect that severe laws will not achieve in the reduction and prevention of illegal crimes. Second, from the collision of the traditional social thought and the modern social thought to analyze and treat the traditional national custom and the integration of the rural regulations in the legislative thought. At the same time, this paper briefly analyzes the trend of China's transition from traditional "acquaintance society" to "stranger society". The third part briefly explains the impact of social evaluation on legislation and judicial practice in China. Fourth, the paper discusses the construction of the people's jury system in our country from drawing lessons from the foreign jury system. The fifth aspect, from the legislative thought aspect talks about the sentencing leniency strict question. The fourth chapter concludes the author's main point of view. A harmonious society should be a harmonious society under the condition of a new socialist rule of law with complete rule of law, full of tolerance and understanding, leading by moral adjustment and education, and backed by the system of rule of law. By means of comparison and empirical analysis, this paper tries to put forward some ideas for the construction of a harmonious social ideological system suitable for China's national conditions. Due to the limitations of the author in the aspects of knowledge, cultural background, life experience, personal vision, and so on, it is really difficult to conceal many superficial and defects in trying to build such a complex and grand legal system. Therefore, this article still has a lot of need to improve and upgrade.


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