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发布时间:2018-10-18 07:51
【摘要】:金属镁是重要的轻金属,金属镁及镁铝合金具有优良的性能,广泛应用于航天、航空、冶金、汽车和3C产业等领域。目前工业上生产镁及镁铝合金能耗大、成本高、污染严重。人们一直在寻找低能耗,对环境友好的炼镁及镁铝合金的工艺技术。低温镁及镁铝合金电解制备能够降低能耗,且有助于保护环境。因此,低温镁及镁铝合金电解制备一直是工业和学术界研究、关注的课题。 本论文采用熔盐直接电化学脱氧法(FFC)进行低温熔盐电脱氧制备金属镁及铝镁合金。研究了氧化镁阴极还原过程;氧化镁阴极制备工艺、阴极电解工艺、不同液态金属导电体对电解的影响;Al-Mg合金在低温熔盐中的电解制备。 通过实验得出,固态氧化镁低温熔盐还原机理是二价镁→镁一步完成;MgO烧结温度、烧结时间是影响阴极片制备的因素,确定氧化镁阴极片制备条件是烧结温度范围1100℃~1200℃,烧结时间范围3h-6h;熔盐温度、熔盐中CaCl2的含量是影响电解效果的因素,高的熔盐温度对电解有利,CaCl2在熔盐中含量增加有利于电解反应的快速进行;采用液态铝镁合金导体适合镁电解;以固态Al2O3-MgO粉为原料低温熔盐电解可以制成Al-Mg合金,确定Al2O3-MgO阴极片烧结温度为1300℃,烧结时间为8h。
[Abstract]:Magnesium is an important light metal. Magnesium and magnesium alloys have excellent properties and are widely used in aerospace, aviation, metallurgy, automotive and 3C industries. At present, the production of magnesium and magnesium aluminum alloy in industry is of high energy consumption, high cost and serious pollution. People have been looking for low-energy, environmentally-friendly magnesium and magnesium aluminum smelting technology. Electrolytic preparation of low temperature magnesium and magnesium aluminum alloys can reduce energy consumption and help protect environment. Therefore, electrolytic preparation of low-temperature magnesium and magnesium-aluminum alloys has been a hot topic in industry and academia. In this paper, molten salt direct electrochemical deoxidation method (FFC) was used to prepare magnesium and aluminum magnesium alloys by electrodeoxidation of molten salt at low temperature. The cathodic reduction process of magnesium oxide, the preparation process of magnesium oxide cathode, cathodic electrolysis process, the effect of different liquid metal conductors on electrolysis, and the electrolysis preparation of Al-Mg alloy in low temperature molten salt were studied. The experimental results show that the reduction mechanism of solid magnesium oxide low temperature molten salt is completed in one step, the MgO sintering temperature and sintering time are the factors affecting the preparation of cathode sheet. It is determined that the preparation conditions of magnesium oxide cathode chip are sintering temperature 1100 鈩,




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