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发布时间:2019-01-11 14:36
[Abstract]:This paper probes into the essentials of the rule of law from the three dimensions of the basis of the rule of law, the concept of the rule of law and the practice of the rule of law, and expounds the problems of health reform and development in China from the perspective of the rule of law. In the basic dimension of the rule of law, the transformation of the function of the administrative department of health is seen from the process of the dualization of the state society, and the formation of the civil society from the view of the shaping of the society ruled by law in the field of health. In the view of rule of law, the importance of the concept of right care and the value of fairness and justice in health reform and development is emphasized. In the practical dimension of the rule of law, the problems and deficiencies in the legislation of health reform and development are combed out, and some suggestions for improving the legislation of health reform and development are put forward.
【作者单位】: 国家卫生计生委卫生发展研究中心;


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