[Abstract]:ZnO is a new type of II- VI direct band gap wide band gap semiconductor material. ZnO nanomaterials have both the unique properties of nanomaterials and semiconductor materials, in liquid crystal displays, solar cells, functional fibers, sewage treatment. Photocatalysis and ultraviolet light-emitting devices show potential application prospects. In recent decades, great progress has been made in the preparation of ZnO nanomaterials, but there are still many problems to be solved. At present, the effective control of morphology and microstructure of ZnO nanomaterials and the regulation of optical properties are the focus of researchers' attention. In this paper, the morphology regulation and luminous properties of ZnO nanostructures were studied. ZnO nanorods, nanowires, nanotubes, pencils and flowers were prepared by hydrothermal method at low temperature and without pollution. Some related factors affecting the morphology, structure and properties of ZnO nanostructures were studied, including reaction temperature, reaction time and so on. Finally, the prepared nano-ZnO with different morphology were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope, and the luminous properties of nano-ZnO were discussed by fluorescence spectrometer. The main contents of this paper are summarized as follows: 1. A simple and convenient method for the synthesis of ZnO nanostructures with low energy consumption has been developed: only water and Zn chips are used as raw materials without any surfactants. ZnO nanomaterials with controllable morphology, including nanorods, pencils, nanotubes and flowers, were obtained. The results show that ZnO is hexagonal wurtzite structure, and reaction time and reaction temperature play a key role in its crystallization quality and morphology. At room temperature, the PL spectra of the samples have a strong UV emission peak near 392nm and a relatively weak green peak near 532nm. In addition, a blue light peak with a central wavelength of 473nm was also observed in some samples. 2. A kind of PVP/ZnO composite nanostructure was obtained by hydrothermal corrosion. The nano-flake ZnO structure was prepared by hydrothermal direct corrosion of Zn sheet using PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) as surface active agent. The sample is still hexagonal wurtzite structure. The PL spectra at room temperature only show a strong UV luminous peak, and the luminous center is at 380nm, but no other luminous peaks appear. We speculate that the possible reason is that PVP contributes to the improvement of crystallization quality of ZnO nanostructures and obtains high quality ZnO nanostructures without any defects. 3. A self-supporting ZnO nanoarray structure was obtained. The remaining Zn was oxidized by subsequent low temperature annealing, and the self-supporting structure of ZnO flake structure supporting ZnO nanoarray was obtained. It is also found that with the increase of annealing time, the grain size increases gradually, but the luminous intensity in PL spectrum increases at first and then decreases. The increase of luminous intensity may be due to the improvement of crystallization caused by short time annealing, and we speculate that the decrease of intensity may be due to the huge internal stress produced in the process of annealing oxidation of Zn sheets to Zn0, resulting in a large number of defects. This leads to the weakening of the luminous peak.
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