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发布时间:2019-06-09 19:17
【摘要】:家庭联产承包责任制推行后,原有的党组织一元化权力结构己不能满足农村多元生产关系的要求。随着农村基层民主的发展,村民自治在全国农村推开。尽管目前村民自治是国家主导的民主,但它给人们的思想观念和思维方式带来的变化是广泛而深刻的,它对农村基层党组织建设提出了新的挑战和要求。由此而形成了村党支部与村委会两个权力主体的二元权力结构,这一结构导致两委在农村有限的资源、权力、利益的分配上出现矛盾冲突。抓住农村两委关系的实质——资源和利益作用下的权利博弈关系,可以有效协调两委间的矛盾,增强村党支部领导下的村级组织整体合力。 本文试图从农村两委关系形成发展的历史脉络上,认识其二元权力结构的形成,以及这一结构之下客观存在的矛盾,再结合访谈调查和已有研究成果,从部分案例中归纳出友好和谐型、松散协商型、一方独强型、公开对立型、瘫痪缺位型五类的农村两委关系。再对农村两委关系进行分类研究,进而得出农村两委关系的实质:资源和利益作用下的权利博弈关系。再围绕这一实质关系,进一步分析影响农村两委关系和谐的主客观因素。最后回到五类农村两委关系,思考解决矛盾冲突的对策,即在坚持中国共产党的领导原则,坚持村民自治中村民主体性原则,坚持依法治村原则基础上,对松散协商型农村两委关系要思考集中权力;对一方独强型农村两委关系要思考分散权力;对公开对立型农村两委关系要思考整合权力;对瘫痪缺位型农村两委关系要思考授予权力,并以优化乡村治理环境,加强两委班子的自身建设,为构建和谐的农村两委关系提供保障。 论文共分为五个部分。第一部分,导论。从农村两委关系的研究背景和意义出发,明确该问题研究的必要性。其次回顾已有的研究成果,深入了解农村两委关系研究状况,积累研究的理论基础。第二部分,农村两委关系的界定及其历史进程。主要依据《中国共产党农村基层组织工作条例》和《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》,运用农村二元权力结构理论将农村两委关系界定为:在农村基层民主建设中,受执政党自上而下赋予权力的农村党支部与村民自下而上赋予权力的村民委员会在共同管理村级事务中所形成的相互关系。再在这一认识基础上,分析农村两委关系的历史脉络。农村两委关系历史脉络可以分为初步确立时期、形成时期、发展时期三个阶段。第三部分,农村两委关系分类研究。本部分依据社会调查和已有研究成果,将农村两委关系分为五个类型,即友好和谐型、松散协商型、一方独强型、公开对立型、瘫痪缺位型,并在此基础上总结出农村两委关系问题的实质。第四部分,农村两委关系不协调的成因分析。本部分主要从客观因素三个方面、主观因素三个方面对两委冲突进行成因分析。第五部分,构建和谐的农村两委关系对策建议。构建和谐的农村两委关系,首先要坚持中国共产党的领导原则,坚持村民自治中村民主体性原则,坚持依法治村原则;其次针对不同类型的农村两委关系采取有效措施;再次从优化乡村治理环境的角度,来思考提升两委服务意识的问题;最后根据两委班子自身建设来增强两委合力。
[Abstract]:After the implementation of the household contract responsibility system, the original party organization's unified power structure cannot meet the demand of the multiple production relations in the countryside. With the development of the rural grass-roots democracy, the villagers' self-government is pushed open in the whole country. Although the current villagers' self-government is the country-led democracy, the change of the people's ideas and ways of thinking is extensive and profound, and it has put forward new challenges and requirements for the construction of the grass-roots party organizations in the rural areas. As a result, the dual power structure of the two power bodies of the village party branch and the village committee is formed, which leads to the conflict of the two committees in the allocation of limited resources, power and interests in the rural areas. We can effectively coordinate the contradiction between the two committees and strengthen the whole force of the village-level organization under the leadership of the village party branch. This paper tries to find out the formation of the two-party power structure and the existing contradiction under this structure from the historical context of the development of the relationship between the two committees in the rural areas, and then, in the light of the interview and the existing research results, this paper sums up the friendly and harmonious type and the loose consultation in some cases. Type, one of the one's one-strong type, the open opposite type, the paralytic absence type five types of rural two-committee close The relationship between the two committees of the rural areas is classified and studied, and the essence of the relationship between the two committees of the rural areas is obtained: the right game of rights under the influence of resources and interests On the other hand, the author further analyses the main objective factors that affect the harmonious relationship between the two committees in the rural areas. In the end, we go back to the relationship between the five types of rural areas and think about the solution to the conflict, that is, to adhere to the principle of the leadership of the Communist Party of China, to adhere to the principle of the villagers' subjectivity in the villagers' self-government, to adhere to the principle of the rule of the village in accordance with the law, and to think about the centralized right to the relationship between the two committees of the loosely-negotiated rural areas. force; to think about the decentralization power to one party's one-strong rural two-committee relationship; to think about the whole power to the public opposite-type rural two-committee relationship; to think about the granting of power to the relationship between the two-party committee, and to optimize the rural governance environment, and to strengthen the self-building of the two committees Set up to provide protection for the construction of a harmonious rural two-committee relationship The paper is divided into five chapters. Part. Part one The introduction is based on the research background and significance of the relationship between the two committees in the rural areas, and the study of the problem is made clear. It is necessary to review the existing research results, to get a thorough understanding of the research status of the relationship between the two rural committees and to accumulate the research. On the base, the second part, the definition and the calendar of the relationship between the two committees in the countryside The process of history is based on the rules of work of the rural grass-roots organizations of the Communist Party of China and the Organic Law of the Villagers' Committee of the People's Republic of China. In the construction, the party branch of the rural Party which is under the power from the top of the ruling party and the villagers from the bottom to the bottom give power to the villagers committee of the power to jointly manage the phase formed in the village-level affairs Interrelation. On the basis of this understanding, the paper analyzes the relationship of the two committees in the rural areas. The history of the history of the relationship between the two committees in the rural areas can be divided into the preliminary establishment period, the formation period and the development period. The third part, the relationship between the two committees in the countryside In this part, according to the social investigation and the existing research results, the rural two-committee relationship is divided into five types, namely, the friendly and harmonious type, the loose consultation type, the one-strong type, the open opposite type and the paralysis vacancy type, and on the basis of the basis, the relationship problem of the rural two committees is summarized. In the fourth part, the rural two-committee relationship is not coordinated. Because of the analysis, this part is mainly from the three aspects of objective factors and the three aspects of the subjective factor to the two-committee conflict. Because of the analysis, the fifth part, to build a harmonious rural two-committee relationship pair To build a harmonious rural two-committee relationship, we should first adhere to the leadership principle of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the principle of the villagers' subjectivity in the villagers' self-government, adhere to the principle of the rule of the village according to law, and then take effective measures for different types of rural two-committee relations; and then, from the optimization of the rural governance environment On the basis of the self-construction of the two committees, strengthen the two-party service awareness;


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