发布时间:2019-06-11 12:56
【摘要】:薄膜晶体管是一种利用栅极与源漏电极之间的电场来改变半导体薄膜材料导电能力的绝缘栅型场效应晶体管,是有源矩阵液晶显示技术的核心元件。氧化锌是一种宽禁带、直接带隙化合物半导体材料,在可见光区具有很高的透过率,室温下的电子迁移率较高,且光敏感性弱,制备的器件性能稳定。 本文综述了氧化锌和二氧化硅薄膜的基本性质及制备方法。采用溶胶-凝胶法分别制备了氧化锌和二氧化硅薄膜。通过热重-差热分析得出,二氧化硅薄膜颗粒的生长在485℃左右基本完成,而氧化锌薄膜晶粒的生长和晶向的形成在500℃左右基本完成。通过X射线衍射分析,探讨了不同预热温度对ZnO薄膜晶粒取向的影响。通过扫描电子显微镜,对比了不同衬底对薄膜晶粒大小的影响。通过紫外-可见分光光度计,分析了不同薄膜层的透过率,拟合了薄膜的光学禁带宽度。 本文重点研究了氧化锌薄膜晶体管的制备过程及参数提取方法。采用溶胶-凝胶法在ITO玻璃衬底上制备了氧化锌和二氧化硅薄膜,所得二氧化硅/氧化锌复合薄膜的可见光透过率达到80 %以上。然后采用磁控溅射法制备Au源漏电极,形成了底栅结构的薄膜晶体管。通过半导体器件性能表征,所得薄膜晶体管为n沟道器件,工作模式为增强型,电流开关比约为10~4,阈值电压约为3 V,沟道迁移率约为6.95 cm~2/Vs。
[Abstract]:Thin film transistor is a kind of insulated gate field effect transistor which uses the electric field between gate and source drain electrode to change the conductivity of semiconductor thin film material. it is the core element of active matrix liquid crystal display technology. Zinc oxide is a kind of semiconductor material with wide band gap and direct band gap. ZnO has high transmittance in visible light region, high electron mobility at room temperature, weak photosensitivity, and the performance of the device is stable. In this paper, the basic properties and preparation methods of zinc oxide and silicon dioxide thin films are reviewed. Zinc oxide and silicon dioxide thin films were prepared by sol-gel method. The results of thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis show that the growth of silicon dioxide thin film particles is basically completed at about 485 鈩,
[Abstract]:Thin film transistor is a kind of insulated gate field effect transistor which uses the electric field between gate and source drain electrode to change the conductivity of semiconductor thin film material. it is the core element of active matrix liquid crystal display technology. Zinc oxide is a kind of semiconductor material with wide band gap and direct band gap. ZnO has high transmittance in visible light region, high electron mobility at room temperature, weak photosensitivity, and the performance of the device is stable. In this paper, the basic properties and preparation methods of zinc oxide and silicon dioxide thin films are reviewed. Zinc oxide and silicon dioxide thin films were prepared by sol-gel method. The results of thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis show that the growth of silicon dioxide thin film particles is basically completed at about 485 鈩,