本文选题:长白山 切入点:阔叶红松林 出处:《北华大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, 598 plots of four mountain lines in Changbai Mountain Forest region were studied, and the similarity index of different tree species, pioneer tree groups and top tree groups was used. At the same time, the succession values of different communities were calculated according to the top adaptive values of tree species, and the succession stages of the communities were divided according to the community succession values. The main characteristics of communities in different succession stages were briefly analyzed. The following results were obtained: 1) with the increase of sample area, the logarithm of negative associative species decreased and the logarithm of positive associative species increased. The most significant change in the relationship between species is that on the scale of 10m 脳 10m. 10m 脳 10m can be used as the optimal scale of the relationships between two trees. (2) using the similarity index of young trees (seedlings) to calculate the top adaptive value of tree species, Bai Hua, mountain poplar, The top adaptive value of positive tree species such as larch is 1, that of Korean pine and Pinus odorifera is 10, and that of transition tree species is between 1-10. According to the magnitude of its top fitness value, the tolerance and stability of tree species in the community can also be compared from the side. Whether the succession of Mongolian oak forest to broad-leaved Korean pine forest or larch, Bai Hua and Populus davidiana until the succession change of broad-leaved Korean pine forest, all reflect the vanguard tree species invading first and then being invaded by spring elm, Juglans mandshurica (Juglans mandshurica). The changing trend of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests, such as Pinus koraiensis, Pinus odorifera, etc., was formed by substitution of transitional tree species such as Fraxinus mandshurica and so on. In the later stage, the main forest community types were larch forest, birch forest, mountain Yang Lin and mixed forest with these species. In the middle and early stage, Mongolian oak forest, mixed forest with Mongolian oak, spring elm, Juglans mandshurica, etc. The middle and late stage is mixed forest with transitional tree species such as Tilia amurensis, Acer maple, etc. The later stage is coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest or pure forest with Pinus koraiensis and Pinus odorifera as dominant species.) with succession, the number, important value and accumulation ratio of vanguard species are renewed. The index of abundance ratio is opposite to that of the top tree species. The vanguard tree species is the inverted J type distribution, the top tree species is the J type distribution trend, the transition tree species change trend is the single peak model and the different tree species appear the peak stage.
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