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发布时间:2018-06-20 17:44

  本文选题:板栗 + 倒置嫁接 ; 参考:《河北科技师范学院》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:板栗是我国重要的干果之一,也是发展山区经济、促进农民脱贫致富的重要经济树种。板栗树喜光,结果部位特别容易外移,树冠扩大迅速。近年来,我国栽植的板栗树多为2×3 m栽植,造成了板栗园的郁闭,致使板栗树体高大挺拔,结果部位只分布在树冠外围,产量很低,经济效益低下。为解决上述问题,本课题组研究发现:板栗倒置嫁接,能使板栗枝条角度开张,改善树体通风透光条件,有效控制营养生长过旺,促进芽体饱满和成花。为了进一步完善该项技术,本试验以‘燕龙’板栗为接穗,待改接树为砧木;采用倒置嫁接的方法,研究了不同接穗削法对嫁接伤口愈合情况的影响,不同留芽量、留芽方位嫁接对新梢生长的影响,以及嫁接当年不同时期拿梢处理对新梢生长情况的影响。主要研究结果如下:1.试验的新型接穗削法嫁接后伤口愈合良好,无明显开裂;愈伤组织均匀,无明显隆起或凹陷;原皮无明显失色、死皮现象。具体方法为:先削长6~8 cm的马耳形斜面,后在斜面背面的两侧各削一个与之等长的削面。2.接穗留2芽,第1芽为侧芽嫁接综合效果最好。其新梢长势健壮、整齐、便于管理,长度分别为72.9 cm和72.5 cm,粗度分别为9.3 mm和9.5 mm;新梢拐点距基部距离为3.9 cm。3.8月5日至8月25日拿梢均能使新梢角度开张。8月5日拿梢处理与同时期对照新梢长度、粗度增长度差异最大,新梢停长后长度为56.1 cm,粗度为12.5 mm,与8月15日和8月25日拿梢处理相比更适宜2×3 m密植板栗园。4.倒置嫁接第2、3年主枝角度明显开张,树体不仅通风透光良好,而且管理也方便;倒置嫁接第2年在距结果母枝基部0~60 cm处抽生结果枝比率达72.6%,从而促进了内膛结果;倒置嫁接第3年单株产量比正置嫁接提高了36.5%。综合上述结果,优化了板栗有干树体倒置改接技术。采用新型接穗削法嫁接,嫁接后伤口愈合良好;接穗留2个侧芽,抽生新梢长势健壮、整齐、便于管理;8月份进行拿梢,拿梢时期越早对新梢长势的抑制越明显,更适宜较大的栽培密度。
[Abstract]:Chestnut is one of the important dried fruits in China, and it is also an important economic tree species for developing mountain economy and promoting farmers to get rid of poverty and become rich. Chestnut trees like light, especially easy to move the fruiting part of the tree crown expanded rapidly. In recent years, most of the chestnut trees planted in China were planted at 2 脳 3 m, which resulted in the closure of the chestnut orchard, resulting in the tall and upright chestnut tree body, the results were only distributed in the outer part of the crown, the yield was very low, and the economic benefit was low. In order to solve the above problems, our research group found that the inverted grafting of chestnut can open the angle of chestnut branches, improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of the tree, effectively control the excessive growth of nutrition and promote the fullness and flowering of the sprouts. In order to further improve this technique, the experiment used 'Yanlong' chestnut as scion, to be changed into tree as rootstock, and studied the effect of different scion cutting methods on the healing of grafted wounds by using inverted grafting method. The effect of bud bearing grafting on the growth of new shoots and the effects of different stages of grafting on the growth of new shoots. The main results are as follows: 1. The new scion grafting method has good healing and no obvious cracking, uniform callus, no obvious bulge or depression, no obvious color loss and dead skin phenomenon. The specific methods are as follows: first, the 6 ~ (8) cm long Ma'er bevel is cut, and then, on both sides of the back of the slope, one equal length. 2. The scion leaves 2 buds, the first bud is the side bud grafting comprehensive effect is the best. Its new shoots grow strong, neat, easy to manage, The length of shoot was 72.9 cm and 72.5 cm, the roughness was 9.3mm and 9.5mm respectively, the distance from the inflexion point to the base of the new shoot was 3.9 cm.3.8 from 5 months to 25 August, the angle of the new shoot could be opened, and the length of the new shoot treated on August 5 was compared with that of the control on the same period. The difference of diameter growth was greatest, the length of the new shoot was 56.1 cm and the diameter was 12.5 mm, which was more suitable for the treatment of 2 脳 3 m dense chestnut orchard than that of the treatment on August 15 and August 25. The angle of the main branch was obviously opened in the 2nd and 3rd year of the inverted grafting, the tree not only had good ventilation and light transmission, but also had convenient management, and the ratio of sprouting and fruiting branch was 72.6 cm from the base of the fruiting branch in the second year of inverted grafting, thus promoting the fruit bearing in the bore. The yield of single plant in the third year of inverted grafting was 36.5% higher than that of normal grafting. Based on the above results, the technique of inverting and modifying the dried tree of Chinese chestnut was optimized. After grafting with a new type of scion, the wound healed well, 2 lateral buds were left in the scion, and the new shoots grew healthily and neatly, which was convenient for managing the new shoots in August. The earlier the shoot was taken, the more obvious the inhibition of the growth of the new shoots was. It is more suitable for larger planting density.


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