本文选题:日语 切入点:汉语 出处:《湖南大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 毋庸置疑,语气是日语语法中的一大难点。关于句末语气形式,中日两国诸多学者都做出了一些精辟的论述,但既往的研究对中日句末语气形式的对照研究则没有太多的涉及。 本文试图以中国人和日本人用日语撰写的学术论文中的句末语气为考察对象进行比较研究。全文主要以益冈(1991)和贺(1992)的语气体系为基准,进行语气分类;还对中国人用日语撰写的学术论文中句末语气使用倾向的原因,做了初步分析;拟就语言学研究中中国人和日本人用日语撰写的学术论文句末语气形式的异同,进行对比考察;此外,作为对照,还考察了中国人用汉语撰写的学术论文,探讨其语气形式及对中国人用日语撰写学术论文的影响。 本文共六章。第一章绪言,提出了本文的研究范围、目的、方法、先行研究、意义及构成。第二章概观了语气研究的流派,分别介绍了日语和汉语已有的语气体系,并在此基础上,提出了本文所使用的语气体系。第三、四、五章是本文的主体部分。第三章是对中国人用日语撰写的学术论文中句末语气形式的具体分析和论证,重点考察了中国人用日语撰写的学术论文中句末语气的使用倾向,研究发现:确言的语气形式的使用率非常高,且肯定的形式被频繁使用;与此相对,概言的语气形式的使用率则低得多。第四章是中国人和日本人用日语撰写的学术论文中句末语气形式的对照研究,在考察了日本人用日语撰写的学术论文中句末语气的使用倾向之后,分析了中国人与日本人用日语撰写的学术论文中句末语气形式使用倾向的异同,研究发现:中国人用日语撰写的学术论文中确言的语气形式的出现率比日本人的高,而概言的语气形式的出现率则比日本人的低。可见,中国人用日语撰写的学术论文中有使用确定的语气的倾向,而日本人用日语撰写的学术论文中则有使用委婉的语气的倾向。第五章是中国人用日语和汉语撰写的学术论文中语气形式的对照研究,在考察了中国人用汉语撰写的学术论文的语气形式之后,针对中国人撰写的日语和汉语两种语言的学术论文中的语气形式进行了对比考察,研究发现:中国人用汉语撰写的学术论文中的语气形式的种类少,大多数句子是叙述句,多以肯定形式出现,因此,中国人在用日语撰写学术论文时,由于受到母语的影响,在其论文中表现的句末语气也以确定的语气形式居多,也就是说确言句占了较高的比例。
[Abstract]:There is no doubt that mood is a major difficulty in Japanese grammar.Many scholars in China and Japan have made some incisive comments on the modal form of the end of sentence, but previous studies have not done much on the contrastive study of the final modal form of Chinese and Japanese sentences.This paper attempts to make a comparative study of the final tone of sentences in academic papers written by Chinese and Japanese in Japanese.Based on the mood system of Ishigongan (1991) and he (1992), the thesis also makes a preliminary analysis of the reasons for the tendency to use the final tone in the academic papers written by the Chinese in Japanese, and also makes a preliminary analysis of the reasons for the tendency to use the final tone in the academic papers written by the Chinese in Japanese.This paper intends to make a comparative study of the similarities and differences in the final modal forms of Chinese and Japanese academic papers written in Japanese in linguistic studies. In addition, as a control, the author also examines academic papers written by Chinese in Chinese.This paper discusses its mood form and its influence on Chinese academic papers written in Japanese.There are six chapters in this paper.The first chapter introduces the scope, purpose, method, advance research, significance and composition of this paper.The second chapter gives an overview of the mood study schools, introduces the existing mood systems in Japanese and Chinese, and puts forward the mood system used in this paper.The third, fourth and fifth chapters are the main part of this paper.The third chapter is the concrete analysis and demonstration of the final mood form in the academic papers written by Chinese people in Japanese, focusing on the tendency to use the final tone of sentences in the academic papers written by Chinese people in Japanese.It is found that the usage rate of the modal form is very high, and the positive form is frequently used, while the use rate of the modal form of general speech is much lower.The fourth chapter is a comparative study of the final tone of sentences written in Japanese by Chinese and Japanese. After examining the tendency of the use of the final tone of sentences in the academic papers written by the Japanese, the fourth chapter is a comparative study of the final tone of sentences written by Chinese and Japanese.This paper analyzes the similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese academic papers on the tendency to use the final modal form of sentences. It is found that the occurrence rate of tone forms in Chinese academic papers written in Japanese is higher than that in Japanese.And the appearance rate of the mood form of general speech is lower than that of Japanese.It can be seen that Chinese academic papers written in Japanese have a tendency to use a definite tone, while Japanese academic papers written in Japanese have a tendency to use euphemism.Chapter five is a comparative study of mood forms in Chinese academic papers written in Japanese and Chinese.This paper makes a comparative study of the mood forms in the academic papers written by the Chinese in Japanese and Chinese. It is found that there are few types of mood forms in the academic papers written in Chinese, and most sentences are narrative sentences.Because of the influence of their mother tongue, the final tone of the sentence in the Chinese thesis is also in the form of definite mood, that is to say, the exact sentence occupies a high proportion.
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