本文选题:汉语 + 日语 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In daily communication, people often need to express their wishes or wishes. In Chinese, we often use the words "want", "want" and "willing" to express the wishes of the subject. If the first person is not the subject, then use the ". For Japanese beginners, it is always difficult to distinguish between Chinese and Japanese. From the perspective of contrast between Chinese and Japanese, this paper systematically expounds the similarities and differences between the meaning and pragmatics of "thought" and "Li Li". This paper is divided into three chapters. The main contents are as follows: the first chapter "introduction" mainly introduces the related advance research, the purpose and object of this paper, as well as the research methods and the structure of the paper. The significance of this paper is illustrated by the previous researches on Chinese, Japanese, and comparative study of the two. The second chapter is the comparison of semantic and syntactic features between "thought" and Japanese. On the basis of describing the semantic syntactic features of "thought" and "Yu", this paper makes a comparative study of them, and finds out their similarities and differences. The third chapter is the pragmatic comparison between Chinese and Japanese, and summarizes the similarities and differences in pragmatics through the analysis of examples. The results show that both "thinking" and "thinking" have the desire to express the speaker's desire to do something, but the idea just stays at the stage of desire, whether it will be put into practice or not, whether it can be realized or not is uncertain. From different point of view, the expression of Chinese and Japanese wishes is different in person and tense. In Chinese, when the wish subject is the first person, the sentence will often be called the subject pronoun "I". Japanese itself is characterized by omitting the "I" of the first person subject, so there is no first person pronoun in its wish expression. If it appears, it is often emphasized or contrasted. Secondly, in terms of tense features, Chinese wish expression sentence "want" can not be followed by tense auxiliary words "Ze", "already", "over", while Japanese wish expression sentence allows auxiliary words to represent past tense. Finally, from the pragmatic point of view, there are the following differences between Chinese and Japanese expression of wish when the interrogative sentence and the third person are called the subject of wish. No matter whether it is a question sentence or a third person as the wish subject, there will not be any change in the way of expression, and the word "want" will be used directly to construct a sentence. But the sentence should consider whether the language is used properly or not, and whether it will have a negative effect on indecency. When used, it is often replaced by other expressions. When the wish subject is the third person, in principle, the sentence of "Li Li" is used to denote the wish of the subject. However, according to the survey, native speakers of Japanese almost do not use the sentence, but use other expressions to convey the wishes of others.
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