本文选题:5S管理 + 功能对等 ; 参考:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Eugene A. Nida's functional equivalence theory is often used in translation. The theory of functional equivalence advocates the use of the most natural and appropriate equivalents in the target language to reproduce the information of the source language, first of all, of meaning, then of style. Although the functional equivalence theory is applicable to the translation of literary texts, the author would like to discuss whether it is also applicable to the translation of non-literary texts. Therefore, this report considers the guiding value of functional equivalence theory in non-literary text translation. This translation practice report to < this is 5 S management! > as the translation object. China and Japan have a long history of exchanges. Since ancient times, the two countries have carried on extensive and far-reaching exchanges in the fields of politics, culture and economy. After the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan in modern times, cooperation and exchange have become the main melody, and language translation is an indispensable note in the main melody. At the same time, Chinese companies are learning to popularize Japanese corporate culture, and the 5S management model is one of them. The so-called "5s" is made up of the Roman pronunciation of one of the five words, namely: Seiri. The management based on 5 S is called 5 S management. As an advanced enterprise culture and management mode, the 5S management mode has great effect in promoting the development of the company and reducing the cost of the company. At present, Japanese enterprises, Sino-Japanese joint ventures and Japanese enterprises of Chinese suppliers are implementing the 5S management model, and there are relatively few books on such content in China. In order to better introduce this advanced enterprise management experience into China, my translation practice chose "this is 5S Management!" this book. This report is composed of four parts: the first part is a brief introduction to translation projects, theoretical sources and translation strategies, and the second part is a brief introduction to the emergence and development of functional equivalence theory. The third part is based on functional equivalence theory to analyze the translation difficulties, such as the title, vocabulary, network catchwords, etc. The fourth part is to explain the practical experience and problems of translation. The conclusion is that functional equivalence theory is not only applicable to the translation of literary texts, but also of guiding value to the translation of non-literary texts.
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