[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the phenomenon of helplessness which does not exist in the auxiliary word itself. This paper examines the function of the helpless word, the conditions of its use and the method of introducing Japanese teaching. Most of the research so far has been done by authors themselves, so whether these examples are naturally a question. Secondly, as an important part of spoken language, the common place of speaker and hearer is seldom mentioned. Most previous studies have focused on some of the auxiliary words. Because the helpless words that do not exist in the auxiliary word itself are the most typical case, this paper will begin to investigate and study on the basis of the previous studies, focusing on the phenomenon of the helpless words that do not exist in the auxiliary words themselves, and using the function of no auxiliary words. Conditions of use and methods of introducing Japanese education. Chapter 0 introduces the subject of this paper. The first chapter introduces the previous studies related to this paper, including the problems, the research methods and the content of this paper. In Chapter 2, the function of the helpless words, especially the non-existence of the auxiliary words, is investigated from the perspective of information transmission in the conversation scene. On this basis, the third chapter discusses the situation of auxiliary word must be added according to the different auxiliary words, the situation of auxiliary omitting and the conditions of using helpless words which do not exist in the auxiliary word itself. Chapter 4 analyzes how to introduce helpless words which do not exist in Japanese education. Chapter 5 summarizes the above and points out the future topic. As the conclusion of this paper, there are three points as follows: 1. In general conversation situations, nouns and predicates do not have to follow a strict logical relationship when communicating on the basis of information known to both the speaker and the hearer, which is the difference between the expression without auxiliary words and the form of auxiliary words. On this basis, the helpless words and articles which do not exist in the auxiliary word itself are divided into one, avoiding the contrastive and exclusive situation in the utterance, second, expressing the author's strong feelings; Thirdly, politeness expresses three situations to discuss the influence brought by the conversation, and finds that when the speaker wants to avoid exclusivity or contrast, he uses the helpless words which do not exist in itself, which is different from the auxiliary form. 2. On the basis of the scene discussion, it is found that in order to emphasize the contrast and exclusiveness, we must use the auxiliary words, in order to avoid the contrast and exclusiveness, we should use the helpless words which do not exist in the auxiliary words. In the case where the auxiliary function is not to emphasize contrast and exclusiveness, the auxiliary word can be omitted. (3) when introducing the expression of helpless words which do not exist in the auxiliary word itself into Japanese teaching, on the basis of the three situations mentioned in 1, the speaker is set up to be aware of the speaking scene and the scene of interpersonal relationship. The speaker has strong emotional expression of the scene of two basic teaching methods.
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