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发布时间:2018-01-06 10:10

  本文关键词:基于背诵的分层听写对初中生英语写作能力影响的行动研究 出处:《广州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 基于背诵的分层听写 英语写作能力 行动研究

【摘要】:《英语课程标准(实验稿)》对初中学生的写作能力提出了明确的要求,要求学生能根据图画或文字所提供的信息,写出话题作文。在学生的作文中,作者发现,学生没足够的与话题有关的词汇,不会恰当地使用已学过的句型表达他们想要表达的事情,有时,他们所写的一些句子也有很多语法错误,还经常出现中式英语。基于学生的这种写作情况,作者试图研究基于背诵的分层听写并找出其能否提高初中学生的英语写作能力。该研究对近年来国内外的相关实证研究进行文献综述,其理论基础为输入理论、输出理论、认知信息处理理论。基于这些理论基础,作者提出了以下研究问题:(1)基于背诵的分层听写能否帮助学生提高他们的英语写作能力(2)英语写作的哪些方面有显著提高?本研究为行动研究,研究对象为来自汕头市的一所初级中学初三的50名学生,实验进行了15周。本研究为两个阶段的逐渐增难的背诵和听写的训练。第一阶段,作为初步调查,进行了前测和小组访谈,学生进行了为期十周的基于背诵的分层听写的训练以增加学生对相关话题的词汇,句型及篇章结构的积累。同时,进行分层听写,从简单到更难程度地检测学生的背诵。学生每两周背诵一篇话题范文,每个第一周学生进行话题范文中话题相关的单词、短语和句型结构的听写,每个第二周进行整篇范文的听写,以此类推。之后,进行了后测和小组访谈,根据其结果和数据对训练过程和效果进行反思。在第二阶段,学生进行了为期五周的背诵训练,通过背诵前帮助学生分析范文使学生更加注意逐渐增难地从词汇,句型及篇章结构来背诵相关话题作文。进行分层听写,从简单到更难程度地检测学生的背诵。接着,再进行后测和小组访谈并进行反思。使用了SPSS 19.0的配对样本T检验分析法分别对前测和中测、中测和后测以及前测和后测的数据进行两两对比。研究结果显示,基于背诵的分层听写能帮助学生提高他们的英语写作水平,在语言使用,内容和结构这三方面都有提高,并且在内容这一方面提高最显著。在小组访谈中,大部分学生也对基于分层听写和对英语写作的积极影响持积极态度。因此,我们得出以下的启示总结:基于背诵的分层听写是一种有效的教授和学习英语写作的方法。传统的方法如果创新地用于适合学生的需求也可以产生惊人的结果;一线教师应该被授权去尝试新的方法来验证理论的实用性或在以证据为基础的行动研究中得出自己的假设。要进一步研究背诵和听写,最大限度地发挥背诵在英语教学和学习中有效性。
[Abstract]:"English Curriculum Standard (experimental draft)" put forward clear requirements for junior high school students' writing ability, students can according to the pictures or text information provided, write the topic composition. The author found in students' writing, students don't have enough, and topic related words, not the proper use of learned the expressions they want to express things, sometimes, they wrote some sentences there are many grammatical errors, also often appear in Chinese English. The students' writing status based on, the author attempts to study stratification based on and find the dictation recitation can improve junior middle school students' English writing ability. The literature review the research related empirical research in recent years at home and abroad, the theoretical basis for the input and output theory, cognitive theory, information processing theory. Based on these theories, the author puts forward the following research questions: (1) based on recitation Whether the hierarchical dictation help students improve their English writing ability (2) have significantly improved what aspects of writing English? The research into action, the subjects were 50 students grade a junior high school from the city of Shantou, the experiment was conducted for 15 weeks. On the two stages of the training gradually increased to the recitation and dictation. The first stage, as a preliminary investigation carried out pretest and group interviews, students for a period of ten weeks of training based on hierarchical dictation recitation to increase students on topics related to vocabulary, sentence patterns and discourse structure accumulation. At the same time, stratified dictation, from simple to more difficult degree test the students recite. Students every two weeks to recite a topic of essay, the first week of each student topic related words in essay topic, phrases and sentence structures for the whole second weeks each dictation, dictation. , and so on. After that, a post test and interviews, according to the reflection of the effect of the training process and its results and data. In the second stage, students for a period of five weeks of training before the recitation, by reciting to help students make students pay more attention to analysis of samples increased gradually from the difficult vocabulary, sentence patterns and discourse structure to recite related topic composition. Stratified dictation, from simple to more difficult degree of testing students recite. Then, reflect again after test and group interviews. And used SPSS 19 paired samples T test analysis of the pretest and test, pretest and posttest, pre-test and post test data for the 22 comparison. The results showed that the layered dictation recitation can help students improve their English writing proficiency in the use of language, based on the content and structure of the three aspects to improve, and improve the content in this respect The most significant group. In the interview, most of the students are based on layered dictation and positive effect on English writing positively. Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion: the enlightenment based on hierarchical dictation recitation is an effective teaching and learning of English writing methods. The traditional method for innovation if fit the needs of students can also produce amazing results; teachers should be empowered to try new methods to verify the practicability of the theory or in the evidence as the basis for action research in draw their own assumptions. To further study recitation and dictation, to maximize the effectiveness of Recitation in English teaching and learning.



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3 陈俊丽;重视中学英语写作中背诵的输入[D];内蒙古师范大学;2008年

4 徐金鸿;背诵—仿写法在英语写作教学中的作用[D];重庆大学;2007年




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