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发布时间:2018-01-21 06:19

  本文关键词: 相关性 听力焦虑 听力策略 非英语专业研究生 出处:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自20世纪80年代以来,许多学者开始研究学习者的个体差异和外语习得的过程,第二语言习得的关注点从教学转向在二语习得过程中的学习者的个体差异。研究者也开始关注情感因素如何影响学习者的学习行为和学习结果。本文以新疆大学非英语专业研究生作为研究对象,旨在调查非英语专业研究生听力焦虑的整体情况和听力策略的使用情况以及听力焦虑与听力策略之间的相关性。对此本文提出以下研究问题:(1)非英语专业研究生是否有听力焦虑以及听力焦虑与听力策略的总体情况如何?(2)听力焦虑与听力策略是否具有相关性以及相关性如何?(3)善听者与不善听者在听力策略的使用方面存在什么差异?本研究以Krashen的情感过滤假说,建构主义学习理论和Rod Ellis的学习者个体差异为理论框架,采用了问卷调查法,半结构式访谈法和有声思维法,对新疆大学非英语专业200名硕士研究生进行了调查。所有数据都录入到社会科学统计软件SPSS19.0中,为了保证问卷的信度,本研究采用了克朗巴哈尔系数法,同时也采用了描述性统计分析,皮尔逊相关分析和独立样本T检验。研究结果表明:第一,非英语专业硕士研究生确实存在听力焦虑并且大部分属于高度焦虑者,非英语专业硕士研究生在听力策略使用方面使用最多的是认知策略,其次是元认知策略,使用最少的是社会/情感策略;第二,听力焦虑和听力策略使用呈负相关,同时,听力焦虑与认知策略呈强负相关,其次是与元认知策略和社会/情感策略也呈负相关;第三,通过独立样本T检验分析,得出结果善听者与不善听者之间在采用元认知策略上存在差异。本研究对英语听力教学的重要启示:首先,教师要考虑听力焦虑和听力策略之间呈负相关,通过听力策略的培训来降低学生的听力焦虑;其次教师要重视提高非善听者的元认知意识,要加强他们监控策略的使用;同时建议学生提高自主学习能力,为减少焦虑,听之前可做充分的准备,在课后通过大量的练习来掌握听力策略的使用。
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, many scholars have begun to study the individual differences of learners and the process of foreign language acquisition. The focus of second language acquisition has shifted from teaching to individual differences in the process of second language acquisition. Researchers have also begun to focus on how affective factors affect learners' learning behavior and learning results. Non-English major graduate students as the research object. The purpose of this study is to investigate the overall situation of listening anxiety and the use of listening strategies in non-English major graduate students, and the correlation between listening anxiety and listening strategies. What is the overall situation of non-English majors with listening anxiety, listening anxiety and listening strategies? (2) is there a correlation between listening anxiety and listening strategies and what is the correlation between listening anxiety and listening strategies? 3) what is the difference between the good listener and the poor listener in the use of listening strategies? Based on Krashen's emotional filtering hypothesis, constructivism learning theory and Rod Ellis's individual differences, a questionnaire survey was used in this study. A semi-structured interview method and a sound thinking method were used to investigate 200 non-English major graduate students in Xinjiang University. All the data were recorded in the social science statistical software SPSS19.0. In order to ensure the reliability of the questionnaire, this study adopts the Krombahar coefficient method, but also uses descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and independent sample T-test. The results show that: first. Non-English majors do have listening anxiety and most of them belong to high anxiety. Non-English majors use most of the listening strategies, followed by metacognitive strategies. Social / affective strategies were used least; Second, listening anxiety is negatively correlated with listening strategy use, and listening anxiety is negatively correlated with cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategy and social / affective strategy. Thirdly, through the T-test analysis of independent samples, it is concluded that there are differences in the use of metacognitive strategies between the good listeners and the poor listeners. The important implications of this study for English listening teaching are as follows: first of all. Teachers should consider the negative correlation between listening anxiety and listening strategies and reduce students' listening anxiety by training listening strategies. Secondly, teachers should pay attention to improving the metacognitive consciousness of non-good listeners and strengthen their use of monitoring strategies. At the same time, it is suggested that students should improve their autonomous learning ability. In order to reduce their anxiety, they should make full preparation before listening and master the use of listening strategies through a large number of exercises after class.


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