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发布时间:2018-02-02 01:59

  本文关键词: 高职教育 公共英语教学 翻转课堂 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Flip the classroom is a kind of creative and subvert our traditional teacher centered teaching mode, which revolutionized the traditional classroom teaching mode. Public English Teaching in higher vocational colleges has followed the traditional teaching mode, not from the actual situation of teaching, teachers and students from the individual and its long-term development considerations, without considering the long-term requirement the use of English ability of higher vocational graduates and the quality oriented education in today's society, obviously, as a result of higher vocational graduates to participate in work does not have the job requirements of English proficiency, there is no competitive advantage. It is not difficult to see that the traditional teaching mode of "dumb English", "deaf English" has been unable to meet the needs of Higher Vocational Public English teaching there. And turned the classroom teaching mode, improve the traditional teaching mode, emphasizing the students' subject status, improve the learning efficiency of students in the classroom, Meet the needs of Public English Teaching in higher vocational colleges, and to fill the lack of Public English Teaching in higher vocational colleges, to inject vitality into the current implementation of the education informatization of our country education. The research on the higher occupation college public English class by implementing the "flipped classroom" to explore, from the definition and characteristics and teaching situation of turning the classroom focus on the advantages of flipping the classroom teaching mode in public English class in Higher Vocational Colleges and the application process, comprehensive evaluation of the effect of flipping the classroom teaching mode in the practice of our country. In this paper the vocational college students as the experimental object, to understand whether students interested in the English subjects through a questionnaire and observation, and now they to master this language. In the grasp of the basic situation of these students, carry out the "flip" teaching in public English class, and that the specific data, Through data analysis, it is concluded that flipped classroom has a positive role in promoting higher vocational English teaching than traditional teaching mode, which is conducive to the significant improvement of teaching quality and teaching performance.



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