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发布时间:2018-02-04 17:49

  本文关键词: 学案导学教学模式 自主性 英语阅读 出处:《渤海大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当今时代,阅读在英语教学中起着举足轻重的作用,尽管教师在阅读教学上倾注许多精力,但是英语教学在应试教育体制的背景下,长期使用以教师为中心的传统教学模式造成了许多弊端,例如学生被动的学习态度,学习效率低下,缺乏自主性等等。随着新课程改革的深入发展,要求教师改变当前英语课堂的教学模式,集中精力于转变学生的学习方式,使学生变为积极独立的学习者,从而提高课堂学习效率,培养学生自主学习能力。本文作者根据建构主义学习理论,最近发展区,和人文主义理论基础将学案导学教学模式应用于英语阅读课堂中并试图回答下列问题:1.学案导学教学模式能促进学生在英语阅读学习中的自主性吗?2.学案导学教学模式能提高学生的英语阅读水平吗?为了回答上述问题,笔者以抚顺德才中学初二9班,10班两个平行班为研究对象,9班为控制班、10班为实验班,进行为期四个月的实证研究。两个班级由同一个教师教学,使用同本教材,课时相同。唯一区别在于,实验班采用学案导学教学模式,而控制班采用传统的教学模式。本实验以问卷、测试和访谈为实验工具,然后测试数据结果由SPSS 19.0数据分析软件进行分析。实验结果表明,学案导学教学模式能够促进学生在阅读学习中的自主性,同时也能提高学生的阅读水平。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, reading plays an important role in English teaching. Although teachers devote a lot of energy to reading teaching, English teaching is under the background of examination-oriented education system. The long-term use of teacher-centered traditional teaching model has caused many drawbacks, such as students' passive learning attitude, low learning efficiency, lack of autonomy and so on. Teachers are required to change the current English classroom teaching mode, concentrate on changing students' learning style, and make students become active and independent learners, so as to improve the efficiency of classroom learning. According to the constructivist learning theory, the author of this paper develops the area of proximal development. On the basis of humanism theory, this paper applies the teaching mode of learning case guidance to English reading class and tries to answer the following question: 1. Can the teaching model promote students' autonomy in English reading? 2. Can the teaching mode of learning plan guide improve students' English reading level? In order to answer the above questions, the author takes the two parallel classes of Grade 9, Grade 9, and Class 10 of Fushun Tecai Middle School as the object of study. Class 9 is the control class and Class 10 is the experimental class. The two classes are taught by the same teacher, using the same textbook and the same class hours. The only difference is that the experimental class adopts the teaching mode of learning plan guidance. The control class adopts the traditional teaching mode. This experiment uses questionnaire, test and interview as the experimental tool, and then the test data results are analyzed by SPSS 19.0 data analysis software. The experimental results show that. The teaching mode of case-oriented learning can promote students' autonomy in reading learning and improve their reading level.


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