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发布时间:2018-02-09 09:59

  本文关键词: Virtools ds Max 融合创新 分布式虚拟学习空间 出处:《外语电化教学》2017年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:Virtools4.0在开发3D虚拟模型和分布式虚拟学习空间领域具有独特的优势。本文基于虚拟仿真与自然学科结合的案例,探究基于Virtools4.0技术设计大学英语的虚拟学习空间,以支持共建共享系统化的大学英语学习资源,进而融合创新线上英语教学环境和实现高度信息化的资源管理,并整合线下多媒体教学资源促进混合式英语教学模式的发展。该研究立足于虚拟学习空间的实用性,借助主开发工具Virtools4.0和3ds Max创建虚拟学习空间和虚拟人物模型,辅以数码相机、AutoCAD软件合成的空间构图,构建了一套针对大学英语虚拟学习空间的设计流程;同时优化学习资料管理空间,增强了虚拟学习空间的实用性。
[Abstract]:Virtools4.0 has unique advantages in developing 3D virtual model and distributed virtual learning space. Based on the case of virtual simulation and natural science, this paper explores the design of virtual learning space for college English based on Virtools4.0 technology. In order to support the establishment and sharing of systematic college English learning resources, and then integrate the innovative online English teaching environment and the realization of highly information-based resource management, The research is based on the practicability of virtual learning space and the creation of virtual learning space and virtual character model with the help of main development tools Virtools4.0 and 3DS Max. With the help of the spatial composition of AutoCAD software, a set of design flow of the virtual learning space for college English is constructed, and the management space of learning materials is optimized, and the practicability of the virtual learning space is enhanced.
【作者单位】: 西北师范大学;




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