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发布时间:2018-02-10 02:54

  本文关键词: 功能对等理论 翻译技能 动态对等 出处:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:小说英译的目的,是让读者准确地把握原文所塑造的人物形象,所叙述的故事情节,以及所反映的历史环境。要达到这一目的,译者应深入研究译入语和译出语在表达方式上的不同,并求同存异,从而使译文在忠实于原文的基础上,更好地被读者所接受。本翻译实践报告以美国作家阿历克斯·哈利的英文历史小说《根(The Root)》为例,在美国语言学家尤金·奈达的翻译功能对等理论的指导下,探讨历史小说英译的方法和策略。奈达的翻译功能对等理论认为,译文和原文应在词汇、句法和篇章等层次上实现“动态对等”,换言之,也就是信息对等,而不是简单的形式对应。因此,译者应在直译的基础上合理地使用意译,把归化与异化的手法相结合,力图避免翻译过程中的信息流失。在词汇层面上,汉语词汇的词义相对抽象,而英语词汇的词义相对具体;有些汉语词汇词义较宽,而英语词汇词义较窄;有些英汉词汇之间词义无交织;英汉词汇完全对等的主要是专用名词和技术词汇。尽管汉英词汇不可能实现完全对等,但译者可以运用异化和归化的方式来表达相同的意义。在句子层面上,句法对等比词汇对等更加复杂。英语的名词有阴性阳性之异、单数复数之分和主格宾格所有格之别;动词则有时、体、态、式的变化;定语多后置,且从句较常用。而汉语句子往往较短,在性、数、格、时、体、态、式等方面无明显的语言标示。因此,译者应重组句法结构,以实现含义上的对等。此外,还要考虑所使用的句式结构是否是汉语所固有,所常用。在篇章层面上,译者应打破传统译论中静态分析文本的桎梏,动态地分析原文在特定语境中实现的意义和功能。具体而言,可分为上下文语境,情景语境和文化语境三个方面。因此,译者应博观而约取,分析参照原文的上下文、情景设定、和历史文化背景,以判断原文的真实含义,并传达与读者。
[Abstract]:The purpose of the English translation of the novel is to enable the reader to accurately grasp the image of the characters, the storylines and the historical environment reflected in the original text. The translator should make a thorough study of the differences between the target language and the target language, and seek common ground while reserving differences, so that the target text can be faithful to the original text. This translation practice report takes American writer Alex Harry's English historical novel the Root, as an example, under the guidance of Eugene Nida, an American linguist, on functional equivalence in translation. This paper discusses the methods and strategies of translating historical novels into English. Nida's functional equivalence theory holds that the target text and the original text should achieve "dynamic equivalence" at the lexical, syntactic and textual levels, in other words, information equivalence. Therefore, the translator should reasonably use free translation on the basis of literal translation, combine domestication with foreignization, and try to avoid the loss of information in the process of translation. The meaning of Chinese words is relatively abstract, while the meaning of English words is relatively specific; some Chinese words have a wider meaning, while English words have a narrower meaning; some English and Chinese words have no intertwined meanings. The complete equivalence between English and Chinese is mainly composed of proper nouns and technical words. Although it is impossible to achieve complete equivalence between Chinese and English, translators can express the same meaning by means of alienation and domestication. Syntactic equivalence is more complicated than lexical equivalence. English nouns have negative positive differences, singular plural numbers and subject-object cases have different cases; verbs sometimes change in aspect, state and form; attributives have multiple postpositions. And clauses are more commonly used. Chinese sentences tend to be shorter, with no obvious linguistic indications in terms of sex, number, case, time, aspect, state, form, etc. Therefore, the translator should reorganize the syntactic structure to achieve meaning equivalence. It is also necessary to consider whether the sentence structure used is inherent and commonly used in Chinese. At the textual level, the translator should break the shackles of the static analytical text in the traditional translation theory. Dynamic analysis of the meaning and function of the original text in a specific context can be divided into three aspects: context context, situational context and cultural context. Situational settings, and historical and cultural backgrounds, to judge the true meaning of the original text and convey to the reader.




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