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发布时间:2018-02-22 02:54

  本文关键词: 《好的 谢谢》 功能对等 文体风格 语言特点 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文为一篇自传类文本英译中的翻译项目报告,所选取的翻译材料原文为艾米·波勒撰写的自传小说《好的,谢谢》中的第三部分节选。第三部分节选主要介绍了作者如何走上即兴表演之路,在从事喜剧表演时所经历的机遇、挑战和体会,以及作者父母关于人生的一些建议。本次翻译项目旨在向汉语读者介绍本小说,对汉语读者提供一些指导性的建议,以及为汉语读者提供深层次了解美国喜剧发展历程的机会。翻译自传小说类文本属于文学类翻译的范畴,由于中西方语言、文化的差异,自然会引起理解的差异。因此,在翻译原文的过程中,笔者遇到的主要问题是如何灵活地进行变通翻译,以减少差异。为此,在尤金· A ·奈达提出的功能对等理论的指导下,笔者运用了意译、音译、分译、顺译和直译等翻译策略,对翻译过程中的重难点问题做出了相应的处理,力求在充分体现原文内容,表达原文主旨,使目的语读者更好理解原文内容的同时,再现原文的语言风格和文体风格。通过此次的翻译实践,笔者深切体会到译前准备工作的重要性,尤其是对原文作者相关信息以及原文所涉及背景知识的了解对翻译过程大有裨益。翻译过程中,还应理论结合实际,灵活地运用不同的翻译策略,做到最大限度地再现原文的预期效果。翻译后,笔者还应多次通读译文,反复修改,以保证译文的质量。
[Abstract]:This paper is a project report on the translation of autobiographical texts into English. The translation materials selected are originally written by Emily Poller's autobiographical novel "OK." The third part of the excerpt mainly introduces how the author takes the road of improvisation, opportunities, challenges and experiences in performing comedy. The purpose of this translation project is to introduce the novel to Chinese readers and provide some instructive advice to Chinese readers. The translation of autobiographical novels belongs to the category of literary translation. The differences between Chinese and Western languages and cultures naturally lead to differences in understanding. In the process of translating the original text, the main problem encountered by the author is how to flexibly carry out alternative translation in order to reduce the difference. Therefore, under the guidance of Eugene A. Nida's functional equivalence theory, the author applies free translation, transliteration and split translation. Translation strategies, such as sequence translation and literal translation, deal with the important and difficult problems in the process of translation so as to fully reflect the content of the original text, express the main thrust of the original text, and make the target language readers better understand the content of the original text at the same time. Reproducing the language style and stylistic style of the original text. Through this translation practice, the author deeply realizes the importance of the preparatory work before translation. In particular, the understanding of the author's relevant information and the background knowledge involved in the original text is of great benefit to the translation process. In the process of translation, different translation strategies should be applied flexibly, combining theory with practice. After translation, the author should read the translation and revise it repeatedly to ensure the quality of the translation.


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